Trump's IRS 'finds' 7,000 new documents in targeting scandal

How many times were we told in the last five years that every single document relating to the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS had been given to congressional investigators or Judicial Watch – the group who has filed dozens of FOIA requests in order to get to the bottom of the scandal?

Surprise!  They lied.

The IRS turned over 7,000 documents to Judicial Watch in response to another FOIA filing by J.W.

Washington Times:

The IRS told of the documents' existence this week in a court filing responding to a Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch.

However, the IRS has not agreed to a schedule for those documents' public release.

"Our attorneys knew that there were more records to be searched but the Obama IRS ignored this issue for years," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.

Although the IRS maintains high-level officials did not know it was going on, the agency has acknowledged and apologized for giving heightened scrutiny starting in 2010 to tax-exemption requests made by groups with "tea party" and other conservative-identifying terms in their names.

Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said in a statement Thursday evening that the IRS, having "magically [found]" the documents, must now "immediately release all these new documents, so the American people can finally begin to see what the IRS has been hiding regarding their scandalous abuse of power."

We should not expect any "smoking gun" memos in this new release.  Those documents are long gone, lost down the rabbit hole of destroyed and "missing" hard drives.  Or, more likely, they never existed.  The key figure in the scandal.  Lois Lerner could have received her marching orders verbally, never committing anything damaging to paper. 

It still seems unlikely that the IRS could have dreamed up the targeting program without getting clearance from someone in authority.  It was so obviously a violation of federal law that the small-time clerks in the Cincinnati IRS office who were blamed for the scandal couldn't have come up with the policy on their own.

This we've always known.  The new documents might shed light on IRS deliberations about how they wanted to handle the fallout from the program being exposed.  We know that months after the targeting was discovered, it was not discontinued despite its illegality.  Any information that would contradict the official narrative could put some former IRS managers in the prosecutor's crosshairs.

It's incredible that after all the assurances from the Obama administration that every single document relating to the targeting scandal had been released, not a single major media outlet has bothered to report that the former president lied about such an important matter.

Like all Obama-era scandals, details have been scrubbed and removed as much as possible from the public record.  By the time Obama apologists are through, their president will appear to have been incorruptible – as far from the truth as is possible to get. 

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