California: The sick man of the United States

The Sick Man of Europe is a phrase that was first used to describe the waning Ottoman Empire.  Since then, it has been applied to various European countries over the years suffering from political and economic dilapidation, whether it was Britain or, later, Germany.

In the United States, we have our own "sick man."  California is gravely ill.  It is suffering from ideological madness, economic illiteracy, stubborn pretension, and general Democrat corruption.  As Donald Trump nears passage of repealing Obamacare, on cue, as predicted, California is putting into motion its own single-payer proposition, S.B. 562.  It sounds like a virus. 

As the state teeters on a raft of businesses fleeing to friendlier states, this will only accelerate that trend.  If Silicon Valley catches a cold and sneezes, and it too decides to migrate elsewhere, the muni bonds for the entire state immediately default.  The pensions alone are bound to do it anyway, even with Silicon Valley remaining.  The math will simply refuse to go along any farther. 

The left has already radically injured the state finances, as the budget is over $150 billion in debt even as it has increased taxes by more than ever before.  And now, with another new entitlement, at $370 billion a year projected in the first year – even if you slush-fund all the other accounts into one from Medicare to Medicaid to the ACA – massive new taxes on businesses and individuals would be required to fund this pig. 

Adding to the exodus of businesses already leaving, I doubt new businesses would be attracted ever to come here again. 

This week, there was already a media push on the steps of the state capitol, with unshaven Hollywood extras wearing previously handed out white lab coats to stand behind Democrat lawmakers backing the bill.  Of course, we can only assume there are corrupt lobbyist groups who will be exempted from this tyranny, such as public unions, who will still be able to get their individual plans that run $2,500 a month paid for without being thrown into this hellscape. 

California is on suicide watch.  It's not sure if it wants to be around anymore.  I'm not sure we can help it ever recover at this point.  As one attorney general, Kamala Harris, steps down to replace Barbara Boxer, another attorney general is secreted out of the glands of selfsame power in the form of pus-spewing Xavier Becerra.  The stench of cronyism is ranker than a Port-A-Potty at a chili cook-off.  It's like a Pez dispenser that keeps previously inserted candidates on rotation to be continuously spit out and reincarnated as they rise to the top.

The Democratic Party that has taken over the state is sick and getting sicker.  And Democrats' prescription is not to try to get well, but to get fatter with debt and offer more free whatever(at this point, it doesn't matter) and keep the party going.

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