Flynn’s immunity request: An alternative scenario

The media and Democrats have created a smoke-and-mirrors crisis out of innuendo accompanied by no hard facts. For these propagandists, it is a given that General Michael Flynn’s request for immunity must related to crimes he committed while in service to Darth Trump. They hope that the general public, inundated with propaganda intimating that Russia “hacked the election” so Trump wasn’t really elected, will assume that misdeed during the brief presidency are what Flynn wants immunity for.

But nobody seems to mention that General Flynn actually worked in a senior intelligence position for the Obama administration for over two years as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, leaving in April 2014. Given the accusation that the Obama Administration may have politicized intelligence agencies, isn’t it at least possible that he may have witnessed or even participated in such political abuses? Couldn’t he be asking for immunity for his actions servicing the Obama administration?

That might explain why Democrats are opposed to the granting of immunity. If he were on the verge of ratting out Trump officials, wouldn’t they be more eager to hear what he has to say?

Certainly, it is a question worth asking, isn’t it?

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