In defense of Sean Hannity 

The left-wing media are engaged in attempted character assassination against Sean Hannity as part of their effort to destroy the Fox News Channel. 

Let me speak unequivocally to this point: I stand with Sean Hannity 100%, and these terrible, awful accusations are completely malicious, reprehensible smears by the left-wing media to bring down a good and decent man.  

I have known Sean for 18 years.  In every situation, whether working with him or watching him with others, I have found him a decent, kind, honest, and professional person when dealing with everyone.  That includes men, women, and even unhinged leftists.

The left has hoped and prayed that Fox News could somehow be stopped in the ratings, but given its failure to accomplish that task, leftists are now resorting to character assassination.

So desperate is the left to play the smear-and-destroy card on Sean Hannity that it had to resort to dredging up wild accusations from a woman whose career has consisted of one malicious attack after another.  The woman attacking Sean Hannity has attacked Sarah PalinSteven Crowder, and Free Republic, and she has repeatedly tried to attack Sean Hannity.  Oh, and she went after me the last time I defended Sean from one of her attacks.

Seriously, folks – is this the best the left can come up with in its brazen effort to take out the conservatives at Fox News Channel, one by one?

Well, this is a bridge too far.  It's one thing to try to destroy a television network (Fox News), but I will not sit back silently and let anyone destroy the reputation, career, and family life of a good and honorable man like Sean Hannity.

While hypocrites in the liberal media have been paying women less than men for the same equal work duties, Sean Hannity has been out there for years actively supporting the men and women who serve in our Armed Forces.

Sean Hannity has raised millions of dollars for pro-troop charities.  He has invested personal time, heart, and energy into supporting the men and women who risk their lives to keep this great nation safe and free.

Sean has inspired millions of viewers and listeners to engage in the political process to help Make America Great Again.

And if you try to tear him down, you're going to have to go through his millions of viewers and listeners, and me, first.   Because we have his back, we support Sean Hannity, and we're not going to let you smear and destroy this great man's reputation.

Update: With Hannity threatening litigation, Schlussel has backed away from media reports that she was sexually harrassed in an interview with Lawnewz:

While Schlussel stands by her description of the incident, Schlussel told us that she doesn’t believe what happened between the two amounted to sexual harassment by any legal definition.

“I would never accuse him of that. Sexual harassment has a special meaning under the law, and I would never accuse him of that,” Schlussel, an attorney herself, said.  Schlussel said the interaction happened in the early 2000’s when Hannity was in Detroit taping a show.

“He tried to get me to go back to the hotel after the show after he and his executive producer Bill Shine treated me horribly,” she said on the radio program. Schlussel later clarified that it wasn’t his hotel room, but rather his hotel. She told that she did go on the show following the incident, but after that was “banned from Fox News.”

“I never thought I was sexually harassed by Sean Hannity, I thought he was weird and creepy not someone I liked,” Schlussel said.

Melanie Morgan is a radio talk show host, journalist, and independent TV producer.

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