Real science

Humans haven't figured out a way to degrade plastic polyethylene bags, but a tiny caterpillar has been discovered that can.  I wonder what it evolved from.

That article made me think of the many wonders of nature.  After the BP oil spill, small microbes that continually thrive on seeping oil from the ocean's and gulf's floors helped clean up the mess.

California was blessed this year with massive amounts of rain and snow that ended its drought.  The drought obviously ended naturally, just as it began.  Humans really have a high opinion of themselves if they think they can cause droughts when droughts have occurred cyclically throughout billions of years, certainly long before humans and fossil fuel use.

The Earth came with a large number of natural resources, and an atmosphere with many ingredients that allows millions of animal and plant species to survive.  Think of the skill it took to come up with a process that has plants breathe out oxygen that allows humans to survive and humans breathing out CO2 that allows plants to thrive and the plants in turn feed humans and animals.  There are millions of natural processes, millions of animals, and millions of plants, and evolution explains little.

The human body has millions of integrated parts and processes, and new humans are built every day.  It takes just a few months to build each model, and they each start with a tiny sperm and egg.  What is truly amazing is each of the million models that are made each year is essentially unique.  They are not produced in mass production lines.

Personally, I will believe in the tiny caterpillar that can dispose of plastic bags and the oil-eating microbe, but I will absolutely never believe that Durbin, Pelosi, and Schumer can control the climate when I know that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally.

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