The cultural appropriation bullies

I tired of the left telling me what words I have to use or what bathroom my granddaughter must be in, I’m tired of being told what area of the country to live in in order to be thought capable of reading and thinking, what TV shows I can watch, or what education to acquire so as to get my ticket punched by the right people.  It’s the big reason Donald Trump got my vote.

But the happy outcome of that election hasn’t stopped them.  Not at all.  In fact they’ve taken their demands up a notch, or depending upon your point of view, down.  Indeed onto the pavement where the left’s girls and girly-boys now believe they can beat people up in order to get them to speak and do and carry on the way they say they should.

And even dress, it seems, because hoop earrings and braided hair on white women have made the news recently by being denounced by the left as cultural appropriations.  By the left's logic, it's denigrating to the accomplishments of women of greater pallor, and so if women of lesser pallor get themselves up in such things, they must be punished. 

Now I’m not female.  But since no less an authority than Harvard University insists any of us can “trans” at any moment we choose, I could snap my fingers, ping the little bell on my desk, wish upon a star (I’m not certain about the protocol) become a woman, braid what hair I have left, borrow some hoops and get in their face.

But while I’m tempted, if I did, I’d be as insane as the race-based fashion-agitators themselves, who are themselves, a sign of a much greater mental ailment.

And anyway, the right to accessorize freely has much better advocates than I.  For example still pinned up on many walls there’s that iconic photograph from forty(?) years ago of Bo Derek emerging from the surf with braided hair.  You know the one that had so many of us men thinking “wow that’s why God invented cameras.” And of course there’s the more recent experience many of us had in watching red-hot Dana Loesch’s latest NRA Freedom’s Safest Place TV advertisement wherein guess what?  Yes, she flaunts hoop earrings.

So I’ll take a pass on this particular fight.  And in truth discretion is usually the better part of valor when it comes to a man commenting upon a woman’s personal appearance.

Richard F. Miniter is the author of the acclaimed The Things I Want Most and the new E-Book What Sort Of Parents Should We Be?  (In print next week) See it here.  He can be reached at

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