A thought about Memorial Day 2017

We take a minute from political opinions to remember all of the heroes on Memorial Day.   

In my case, I will remember a young man named Nathan Aguirre, who died in Iraq in 2006. 

I know Nathan's parents.  His dad and I are church ushers.  His mom is a beautiful person who is now working with other families who lost sons in Iraq.

Nathan Aguirre is a real hero.  Remember him and his parents today!

Over the years, we've heard many messages on Memorial Day.  I like this one from President Bush in 2003:

On Memorial Day, Americans place flags on military graves, walk past a wall of black granite in Washington, D.C., and many families think of a face and voice they miss so much. 

Today, we honor the men and women who have worn the nation's uniform and were last seen on duty. 

From the battles of Iraq and Afghanistan, to the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, to the trials of World War, to the struggles that made us a nation, today we recall that liberty is always the achievement of courage.

Happy Memorial Day, and remember the real meaning of this "day off" from work!

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