A transmission from a conservative mole in the Northeast

A few weeks ago, prior to the latest chapter of anti-Trump hatred, I decided to attend one of my business meetings.  Being a long-term partner in a group mental health practice, I thought it was time to make the occasional token appearance.  As mentioned in past articles, I am a clinical social worker who is a political minority in a practice with well intentioned but closed-minded left-wing mental health providers.

I sat next to a colleague who is quite pleasant and has at times respectfully engaged me about our political differences.  He looked at me and said, "You know what I am going to ask you?"  I didn't, but I assumed by his mischievous tone that it was about politics.  He proceeded to ask me about Bill O'Reilly and the debacle at Fox.  I told him I was mixed about O'Reilly because of his softball approach toward President Obama.  His retort was, "Oh, so he was not conservative enough for you?"  I stated that it has nothing to do with people's political orientation; rather, it's about accountability.

"I have no problem with President Trump being held accountable, but for eight years, the same practices were not applied to number 44."  I provided him with an example:

A few days before our bantering, a close friend of mine who is extremely liberal reminded me that Trump derided the mentally challenged.  I then reminded her that Obama did the same, but of course, the obsequious press quickly excused his mishap.  As expected from my lovely but misguided friend, silence ensued.

A few years ago, this same man, who was so ready to ask me about politics, indicated that he did not know what sharia was.  Last year at a social gathering, he looked at me and said he had never met a Republican.  I informed him that I was unenrolled because the Democrats are bullies and the Republicans are cowards.  This man, who is Jewish, is heavily supportive of J Street.  In addition, he has traveled to Israel and maintains that the Israeli government commits atrocities against the Palestinian people.  A few months ago, he sent me an email maintaining his issue with the Israeli government and his desire to improve the plight of the Palestinians.  I responded with my commendation of his attempts to make the world a better place but insisted that I could not support any group committing murder in the name of religion or any other cause.

As blind as he is to his ideology, this colleague is truly one of the more reasonable ones.  Although he boldly adheres to his false beliefs and gods, he is willing to have a discussion, which I never initiate.  As most of the readers recognize, this is not the case for most on the left, especially here in the Northeast.  If you express your dissent against some of their positions, you are labeled racist, homophobic, misogynistic, etc., etc.

Many of my colleagues are wealthy and live in the tony suburbs of the closest metropolis.  Some of the loudest have co-opted our meetings to the point of no return.  From what I have been told during my absence, political references are not frequent but unpredictable.

Now, with the initial repeal of Obamacare, the frenzy has taken on an even louder tone, as evidenced by our practice's Facebook page.  This page is for the general public, not for professionals only.  A few days ago, my colleagues posted a call for service from one of the professional organizations to contact your representatives in opposition to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.  I was taken aback by this posting.  Mental health professionals are supposed to maintain a position of neutrality with the general public.

Based on the behavior of my other colleagues, however, I should not have been surprised.  In the last few months, they have openly worn pins saying "Black Lives Matter" or something referring to "feminism."  Like the mainstream media, they assume that enlightened people share their sentiments and that such outward positions will not affect their business.  Some do not worry because their financial position affords them the ability to be so revealing.  Living in the Northeast, perhaps, they are correct, but based on the number of people I have seen over the years, my colleagues are foolish to assume that everyone takes on the liberal mantra.  Many of my clients are appalled by the left's persecution.  One young woman who has never shared her political orientation expresses fear about going to work at a local college because of student unrest.

Most of my colleagues and some of my clients continue to express worship of President Obama.  Some truly view him as the Black Jesus who walks on water and will not familiarize themselves with history and what happens when false gods prevail.  They refuse to recognize his nefarious attempts to transform the United States and believe that Obamacare was an altruistic attempt to help the truly needy.  Along with their comrades on the left, they celebrate their so-called openness and superiority about positions around social justice.  Lenin's quote aptly fits them: "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

Again, I will stay away from our meetings indefinitely.  Although such recusals protect me from listening to fears about impending Armageddon as a result of repeal and replace, I will probably hear such rumblings from a few of my left-leaning clients.  Hopefully, as always, they will quickly move to more important topics about their own lives, and as I continue to self-improve, I will help them do the same.

The author is using a pen name for reasons she explains here

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