Democrats and the rule of law

Can we seriously believe that Democrats are interested in a probe of collusion between the Obama White House and the intelligence community to derail the 2016 Republican presidential campaign?  Whatever happened to a bipartisan investigation of harassment by the Obama IRS of conservative groups seeking the tax waivers that flowed swiftly to leftist groups?  In Wall Street Journal columns of April 7 and May 12, Kimberly Strassel reported Comey's recalcitrance before congressional committees, noting Comey's refusal, as FBI director, to cooperate with Congress in helping to unmask the unmaskers – those who feloniously leaked to the media the identity of American civilians under intelligence surveillance.  She summed up the problem: "All this – the Russia probe, the unmasking, the leaks, the fraught question of whether the government was inappropriately monitoring campaigns, the allegations of interference in a presidential campaign – is wrapped together, with Mr. Comey at the center."

Ms. Strassel noted Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles E. Grassley expressing his suspicions of the FBI leadership at a hearing earlier this month.

The fact is, for several months, Chairman Grassley has had reason to wonder if Comey agreed that the rule of law applies to persons leaking classified information to the anti-Trump media, as well as to Republican presidents.  In a four-page letter to Comey, dated March 28, 2017, Grassley addressed 12 questions as to whether FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe should be "involved in the FBI's investigation of President Trump's associations and Russia" and whether, because of the political ties of McCabe's wife "with Clinton associates ... Mr. McCabe has been or should be recused from the investigation."  (This letter noted that McCabe's wife had run as a Democrat for the Virginia state Senate and accepted "$700.000 from a close Clinton associate during the [FBI] investigation [of Hillary Clinton's emails, an investigation from which McCabe did not recuse himself.]"

Grassley reminded Comey: "As you know, Mr. McCabe is under investigation by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General."  (As is Mr. Comey, as reported on the lead story of the New York Times, January 13, 2017.)  Has the media called attention to the probes of Comey and McCabe by the Justice Department?  I don't think so.

On April 28, 2017, Grassley again wrote to Comey: 

On March 6, 2017, I wrote to you requesting information about the FBI's relationship with Mr. Christopher Steele, the author of the political opposition research dossier alleging collusion between associates of Mr. Trump and the Russian government. Although that letter asked for a response by March 20, the FBI has failed to provide one.

Grassley also asked for additional information from Comey:

When the FBI was in contact with Mr. Steele or otherwise relying on information in the dossier, was it aware that his employer, Fusion GPS, was allegedly simultaneously working as an unregistered agent for Russian interests? Please provide all related documents.

As of this writing, there has been no bipartisan call for an investigation of what Professor Stephen F. Cohen calls "Intelgate."  Why can’t Republican members of Congress investigate collusion among the FBI, the Obama White House, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and the media, for the purpose of 1) framing candidate Trump to prevent his election and 2), thereafter, covering up the conspiracy to reverse the results of the 2016 presidential election?

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