Elizabeth Warren calls for matriarchy to take control of America

Elizabeth Warren thinks Donald Trump may be the last male president:

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) told a group of women gathered at Wednesday's annual fundraising gala for Emily's List that she's not sure if America will elect a man after President Donald Trump's term ends.

"We're going to shatter the glass ceiling into so many pieces that the Donald Trumps and Mitch McConnells of the world will never be able to put it back together again!" Warren told the crowd. "The way things are going, if the next three years and 261 days are like Donald's first 100 days – I wonder if America will ever be ready for a male president again."

Such disgraceful put-downs of men are now customary talking points for the feminist left.  Can you imagine the uproar if President Trump said there would never be a female president because of Hillary Clinton's shortcomings?  He would be criticized endlessly.  But when Senator Warren says the same about men, she is praised for her man-baiting rhetoric.

What would happen if Warren got her way?  If you turn to fiction to look at how societies ruled exclusively by women have fared, they haven't done so well.

In the Buck Rodgers episode "Planet of the Amazon Women," Buck is sold in a slave auction to be a love slave for the daughter of the ruler of the planet.  The planet is a cruel dictatorship run by evil women who enslave men.  Buck teaches the women the value of having men around.

In the Star Trek episode "Spock's Brain," a society is ruled by women, but without the presence of men, their brains have atrophied until they only have the most childlike intelligence.  That is why, once a generation, they kidnap a smart man like Mr. Spock, remove his brain, put it into their central operating system, and have him tell them what to do.  They also have pain belts they use to control men they enslave.  Captain Kirk convinces the women to return Spock's brain and assures them that there are other ways besides pain belts to control men.

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Angel One," the Enterprise encounters yet another planet ruled by women where men are forced to dress like gigolos, and any who resist slavery are put to death.  Commander Riker is forced to dress like a male hooker.  He uses undercover diplomacy to convince the feminist leader that men should not be killed simply for asking for rights.

I've never seen a film or book or television show where women ruled the world and the economy was booming and everyone had great health care.  What do you think would really happen if Elizabeth Warren's matriarchy became a reality?

Ed Straker is the senior writer at NewsMachete.com.

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