Hillary Clinton still blames everyone but herself

Is there any bigger mark of a loser than a woman who blames everyone but herself for her failures?  Hillary Clinton has just shown again why she lost the election.  It's just amazing that she lacks any hint of introspection after her stunning loss to Republican Donald Trump seven months ago.  Speaking to CNN, she kept up the same drumbeat of blame she's always pushed dating her miserable, screaming, chair-throwing election night.

I was on the way to winning before Jim Comey's letter and 'Russian' Wikileaks ... scared off late voters.

The old "Russians did it" meme from this out-of-touch political hack, as well as the "blame Comey" excuse, is being called out for more political mileage, and it's nothing she did herself.

So the Russians are responsible for her election loss – even though she sold them the uranium, sought defense spending cuts, and had many loyalists such as the Podesta brothers mired in Russian deals?  It's gotten pretty clear based on these details as well as Kremlin sources that Russia both wanted and expected Hillary Clinton to win.  But blaming the Russians is politically easy, so she does that.

And FBI director James Comey, not her own behavior, is responsible for her loss.  As President Trump noted in a tweet: Comey was a softie, "the best thing that ever happened to Hillary."  "He gave her a free pass for many bad deeds," Trump said.  The reality is, she belonged in jail for her illegal private server, which compromised the entire State Department communications system, opening it to any foreign intelligence agency with the gumption to go after the goods.  Is she saying Comey should have covered for her instead?

What she didn't say as she blamed others is worth looking at, too.

Is she really saying the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play corruption had no effect on voters' decisions?

Is she saying the growing voter perception that the Democrats are the party of the rich somehow wasn't derivative of her actions and probably had an effect on voters' decisions?

Is she saying her obvious string-pulling for her no-merit daughter Chelsea meant nothing to hard up voters suffering in the Midwest?

Is she saying her failure to campaign in Michigan and Ohio – and a low-energy campaign in general – as well as her empty audience rooms on campaign stops had nothing to do with her election loss?

Is she saying her zero plan of action for ending the nightmare of Obamacare – and telling voters that Obamacare, with all its skyrocketing premiums, high deductibles, huge fines, low choices, and imploding exchanges, was a good thing – had no effect?

Or that her lack of any economic plan of recovery after the devastation of the Obama years had zero effect?

Or that calling frustrated voters "deplorables" somehow had no effect?

And to return briefly to Comey and the Russians, did she really think her actions had nothing to do with why Comey's FBI agents had to investigate her security breaches in the first place, or that John Podesta's Wikileaks and all the embarrassing things he said were okay to say so long as no one published them?

It's amazing, just amazing that Clinton can be that opaque to her own failures, which were so numerous.  The Democrats have attempted a postmortem on their own disaster but have yet to put their fingers on the scope of the problem: Clinton was a bad candidate, and voters judged that she would be a bad president.

Hillary Clinton may be repeating her memes in an Alinskyite bid to turn lies through repetition into truth, but this time, the only person she's fooling is herself.

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