It can't be Obama's fault

Leave it to Washington Post writer Catherine Rampell to blame anyone other than Obama for the collapse of Obamacare.  She uses Iowa as an example, stating that the individual insurance market is collapsing not because of Obamacare, but because Iowa didn't implement it.

Iowa is down to one insurer in the individual market in 2017, and that one may drop out.  Rampell says it is partially due to the fact that the insurer doesn't know the future rules under Trump.

Why doesn't Rampell address the collapse of the individual market throughout the United States?

In 2017, one third of counties in the U.S. have one insurer, and 60% have one or two.  The insurers chose to drop out in 2016 prior to Trump being elected, and while almost everyone thought Hillary would be elected so the Obamacare rules and regulations would stay in place, so the collapse has to be due to Obamacare itself.

Before Obamacare passed in March 2010, there was substantial competition in Iowa and elsewhere.  People could buy low-cost coverage or high-cost coverage, low deductibles or high deductibles.  They could buy just catastrophic insurance if they liked.  There were reinsurance and high-risk pools in place.  Many of the uninsured were healthy and yet chose not to buy health insurance – they could essentially self-insure.  This was especially true for the young.  People actually had freedom of choice.  Some of the uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and hadn't signed up.

President Obama himself said in September 2009 that 30 million Americans couldn't get health care, which is why we needed Obamacare.  Today the number is around 28 million.  So why does everyone repeat the made up number that an additional 20 million are covered?  Essentially, we had less than 10 percent of the population at most that may have had a problem getting health insurance.  So why would you destroy the existing system instead of just trying to help the people with actual problems?

Then along came Obamacare, and people no longer had a choice.  They were forced to buy insurance, and not just any insurance – they had to buy a Cadillac plan that complied with a law of over 2,000 pages with over 10,000 additional pages of regulations.  There were also over 20 new taxes.  The cost to individuals, companies, and the government was obviously going to go up substantially, and people were not going to be able to keep their doctors and existing health plans despite the repeated promises.

The media and Obama blamed Bush for the problems during Obama's term, and now they are blaming Trump.  We can all see that Obama and his team were perfect and that the only problems that ever occurred were because of someone or something else.  Obama was just too smart to make mistakes.

In fact, it was Trump and the Tea Party that made Obama, Jonathan Gruber, and Democrats continuously lie about health costs going down and keeping your doctor and plan.  They had to lie, or it wouldn't have passed, according to Gruber.

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