Should celebrities (and politicians) smile more in their mugshots?


I was just looking at the mugshot of Tiger Woods, who was arrested for drunk driving.  The photo was really unflattering to him.  Instead of making me think of Tiger Woods the great golfer, it reminded me of Tiger Woods the wild adulterer whose wife chased him with a golf club.

That started me thinking that maybe people should smile more when they are arrested.  Michael Jackson attempted it when he was charged with molesting young boys, but all he managed was a Mr. Spock-style eyebrow raise.

But then I started thinking, what if a person arrested gave a really good smile?  Look at the lady below.

Isn't she a cutie? She looks really harmless, doesn't she?

In her mugshot, 19-year-old Margaux Tocci is beaming and seems genuinely happy to be in police custody. Tocci was arrested on charges that she helped lure an ex-boyfriend to a local park, where he was badly beaten. Two men reportedly attacked him with a pipe and baseball bat outside of the Lincoln School in Edison, New Jersey.

How about this fellow?  He looks so friendly!

Mississippi Constable Christopher Plumlee was pulled over for speeding and charged with driving under the influence.

I wonder if his photo was used as evidence against him in court.

This lady looks positively excited to have been arrested.

In 2011, Arizona resident Michelle Watson, 24, beamed and gave the thumbs up in her mugshot after being charged with aggravated assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, and driving under the influence.

What do you think?  Is it better P.R. for a person to smile when he is arrested?  Don't people look more guilty when they are frowning?

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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