The Democrat Munchausen Party

My wife, jokingly, has always said she could kill me inconspicuously if I got out of line by using the various Oleander trees around our property.   She's right.  Deer stay away from it; its why I grow it around my property.  They don't eat it.  And neither should you. 

I suspect that if you used only a few ground up leaves, perhaps you could survive, but too many, and it's game over.  Pokeberry bush is another one that grows regularly around here.  Its bright purple berries are said to be a tonic for arthritis if swallowed whole without breaking their skin, but the berries are also potentially lethal, or so the legend goes, if you masticate them before swallowing.  I tried some berries last year.  Besides being sour and off-putting, I was fine, but I bet if I ate too many or just enough, there would be at the very least stomach wretching at some point.  I reckon it would be the perfect thing for someone with Munchausen-by-Proxy. 

The Democratic Party sees its base as requiring a low-grade fever at all times.  Poison, or a close approximate, carefully metered out in a low enough dosage, is just the trick to keep your patient, constituent voter in dizzying dependency, a cocoon of infantile thrall to your attendant power.  Too much razor in the apple could slice the esophagus, but tiny particles of pulverized glass slowly introduced into one's gym water might cause bloody stool once in awhile. 

If you aren't bleeding, you aren't a good Democrat.  You must be kept alive but injured at all times.  Wounds must be nursed, then re-opened again, over and over.  Dependency is cultivated.

Man's instinct is to be free, but the Democratic Party knows how easy it is to domesticate its livestock.  Cages.  Leashes.  Reverse-spiked choke collars.  And as long as the feedbag is strapped on their heads, they will follow you anywhere. 

Lyndon B Johnson knew this like the back of his racist hand.  You prolong suffering by catering to it.  Then you reward the victims for their fealty.  They in turn reward you back by voting for their obedient loyalty.  The needs are artificially created by programs for the sole purpose of indoctrinating and enslaving, in some cases entire cities, and owning entire generations of loyally impoverished classes.  Like giving candy laced with trace amounts of methadone to your future drug-buying clients.  Not enough for parents to detect while the child buzzes around the neighborhood.

We don't need to go into LBJ's sickening outspokenness about race.  Democrats themselves are very open about it even today.  They are addicted to it, and it pays well and also secures power.  They have no shame.  The entire Democratic Party has become a crack house, and Democrats have peddlers in the media giving out free needles. 

Munchausen by proxy.  For the sadist, it ensures that you will always be around and also that you will be the one in control.  You also get a nice sense of being perceived as "taking care of someone" and being "compassionate."  For the masochist, the Democrat voter must first be thoroughly deranged, have low self-esteem, welcome constant abuse, blame others, and be vindictive.  It is established in hatred and continues in despair.  The hatred is the controlling part, the despair in the dependent.

Woodrow Wilson was a eugenics fan, a Darwinian disciple and believer in might and power – essentially, a sadist.  FDR was none too dissimilar.  Everything God-awful emanated from these chain-smoking social wardens, as government was now poised to invade every aspect of society over the sacred liberty of the individual, turning the country into a debt prison.

Independent people require no caretakers.  The question is, can we retrieve that part of ourselves as a culture that has been lost to the Democrat machine?  Or will the Draino introduced into our soup by Nurse Ratchet burn an unfixable and permanent hole in our stomach lining?

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