The Democrats and three upcoming elections

Over the next 30 days, we will hear about three elections in Georgia, Montana, and South Carolina.  

The media will likely call them the three most important elections in world history.  They will then forget about the results when the Democrats lose!

The Democrats are investing a lot to win, according to news reports:

From Montana to the suburbs of Atlanta, voters are getting a steady diet of commercials from the Democratic candidates that focus on GOP plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act without enough protections for those who have preexisting health conditions. 

They're talking about tax breaks for the middle class and small businesses, blasting their opponents for helping special interests.

It sounds like the old class warfare game all over again.  I don't see in this strategy anything that confirms that the party has learned the lessons of the Obama years, or 1,000 seats down!   

On Obamacare, it's easy to say the GOP wants to put people with pre-existing conditions in danger.  Unfortunately for Democrats, it's the premiums and deductibles that most people are talking about.   

On "tax the rich," it's the same old song that simply does not register with all of those small business owners who make up these suburban districts they are trying to win.

Yes, the "out party" always picks up seats in the off-year elections, as the GOP did in 2009, when they won governorships in New Jersey and Virginia.

In this case, the Democrats are not just "the out" party, but rather "the out of touch party":

Two-thirds of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch – including nearly half of Democrats themselves.

I don't usually bet anything, especially since my heart was broken in Game Six of the 2011 World Series.     

Nevertheless, I feel confident that the GOP will go 3-0 in Georgia, Montana, and South Carolina.

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