The Obamas: The Kardashians 2.0

One need not to have watched the long-running reality television show Keeping Up with the Kardashians to know what it sells, what it represents, or what it says about American culture.   Since its debut in 2007, the show is a sort of flashing neon light warning about the failure of our educational system and our intellectual and critical decline.  In short, the Kardashian family is an exercise in greed, materialism, shallowness, amorality,  superficiality, and the self-absorption that characterizes much of the millennial generation.  The family, in all its soap-operatic nonsense, is a sad commentary on the entertainment industry and its willingness to capitulate to the lowest common denominator of our selfie-obsessed society.  The characters are, as the saying goes, only "famous for being famous."

Over the eight years that the Obamas were in the White House, they spent one hundred million taxpayer dollars taking luxury vacations all over the world.  Often Mrs. Obama traveled with her mother, her daughters, and a bevy of pals to the finest, most expensive destinations in the world on our dime.  The presidential family was never one for a small footprint.  No.  They lived like royalty while lecturing the rest of us on how we should live, how our hard-earned money should be redistributed to those who earned nothing.  They lectured us about how our kids should eat at school, how our health care should and would be doled out, and who should and would pay for it.  They reasoned that we should learn to expect a level of terrorism because we deserve it; part of Obama's "transformation of America" was to allow for a certain amount of payback for our country's perceived crimes against the rest of the world. 

Thanks to Obama, the Middle East is a cesspool of genocide and barbarism.  That brutality has spread out to all of Europe (except Poland, the smart country) and continues to take lives, rob children of their innocence, etc.  Still, Obama is revered by the left for being Obama when in fact he is no better than a Kardashian.  He is famous for being the first African-American, sort of, president.  His cultists, like the people who actually watch the Kardashians' exercise in public narcissism, are completely ignorant of the terrible damage he did to America in eight years.  It is a mystery why the global warming crowd excuses his egregiously ridiculous environmental "footprint."  The Obamas are profligate users all manner of carbon and of other people's money.  They do not – nor do Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, and the rest of the rich enviromentalists – practice what they preach.

After leaving the White House, Barack jetted off to Marlon Brando's island in Tahiti by himself for a month ($11K a night), then he and Michelle moved on to the private island owned by Richard Branson, hobnobbing with all manner of the rich and famous.  Just this month, he traveled to the Global Food Innovation Summit in Milan on a private jet, with 14 SUVs for his entourage, where he ate like a king and collected $3 million for showing up to speak.  Now the pair are in Tuscany, Italy with a 13-car motorcade, staying in a $15,000-a-night villa.  Michelle is out and about the town sporting a $400 pink top and white ripped jeans.  An elegant former first lady she is not.  No class.  No grace.  She is Kardashian to her core. 

Leftists are in full meltdown mode on Trump's victory over the criminally corrupt Hillary Clinton.  Let them melt.  President Trump may be an affront to the political establishment, but he is a breath of fresh air to the millions of people who voted for him.  Melania is a very classy first lady.  She has already brought decorum back to the White House that had been missing for eight years.  The Obamas telegraphed their Kardashian tendencies over the years by inviting criminal rappers, who had to wear ankle monitors so law enforcement could keep track of them, to perform at the White House.  They embraced the Black Lives Matter thugs while, for eight years, they dissed the police.  We will thankfully not see any of that in the Trump administration.  The Kardashian administration is over, and the Obamas are free to fulfill their full Kardashian dreams of all that the Kardashians represent.

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