Well, it took him 107 days

The GOP House just handed President Trump a big win – i.e., the first step to end Obamacare!

We understand that it's not perfect, but it will now go to the U.S. Senate, where Democrats will be forced to defend their health care law.

For weeks, the future of Obamacare was an argument among GOP members.  The result of this is that Senate Democrats got a free ride.  No more! 

The House repeal vote coincides with more bad news for what they call the "Affordable Care Act."  This is the latest from Virginia

Aetna is throwing in the towel in Virginia after suffering big losses in its Obamacare business.

The company said Wednesday that it won't participate in the state's individual market – either on the Obamacare exchange or outside of it – in 2018. Though it has greatly downsized its participation in Obamacare, Aetna (AET) said it could still lose more than $200 million in its individual market products this year. That's on top of the nearly $700 billion it's lost in the three years after the exchanges opened in 2014.

The move means Innovation Health, which Aetna formed through a joint venture with Washington D.C. metro-area insurer Inova in 2012, will also leave the Virginia market. In addition, UnitedHealth (UNH) did not file with the Virginia's insurance department to offer policies in the state next year. 

The companies' exit will not leave any Virginia residents without any insurers, but it does mean that 27 counties could have only one choice for 2018, said Katherine Hempstead, a senior adviser at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which funds health care research and grants. 

Six carriers have notified the state that they will participate in the state next year.

So much for affordable health care!

Obamacare has put many Americans in a worse situation than they were in before.  In other words, there are segments of the country with one option or one company to choose from.  It is much worse than what we had before, where consumers could choose among plans, such as high-deductible policies for younger people or others that did not force 60-something women to pay for maternity benefits.

The end is here.  We will soon see the biggest of the Obama legacy items go away, along with all of those executive orders!

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