Ben Rhodes looking to hold anti-Castro Cubans 'accountable'

There's nothing so pathetic as an overblown ego in meltdown.  And in the case of President Obama's former "mind meld" and deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, it's the rage of an ego whose legacy is being hosed away as bad rubbish.  Infuriated at President Trump's rollback of all the goodies to the Cuban regime laid out at his direction by the Obama administration – Rhodes has whipped out the totalitarian cudgel on his Twitter feed, demanding that any Cuban who opposes his succoring of the Castro regime be "held accountable."

The few people in Miami enabling Trump in carrying out this charade should be embarrassed/ held accountable. He could care less about Cubans

— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) June 16, 2017

Held accountable?

For what?  Opposing President Obama's doing the stadium wave with a fifty-year military dictatorship and its murderous aging dictator?

Or is it this shot of glory for the U.S.'s international standing?

Or is it most likely that Rhodes's real problem is that Cuban exiles who have fled the horrors of communism and endured many losses are a problem to him, a standing rebuke to his party-time-with-Castro policy and thus inconveniences in the way of his "progress" and "the future" (to use the smarmy commie logic he uses) and therefore, in the Stalinist style, necessarily "non-persons"?

Or is it the horrible reality that the policy has failed?  Dissident beatings are up.  The Cuban military's coffers are filled.  The Cuban secret police's coffers are filled.  And the Castroites continue to use a starvation policy to keep their population docile.  And that Castrocare remains a disaster?  These are inconvenient facts.  And nobody but Rhodes could call them "progress."  This is not a successful policy.  It's succoring a dictator – in exchange for nothing, as Cuban-American leaders such as Marco Rubio have pointed out and as President Trump has recognized.

Rhodes would have you think the Cubans who oppose Obama's Cuba policy – whether the exiles who won Florida for President Trump in the election or the dissidents in Havana who have taken real risks for their views – are small in number, unimportant, and insignificant compared to all the Cuban people he claims he has on his side.

It's a sorry picture, given that Castroite encounters with Westerners are tightly controlled, and Rhodes on his many visits to the socialist paradise of Bill Ayers's and many other leftists' dreams would have been carefully screened from any unwelcome views.  Rhodes shows himself to be a useful idiot in his claims to know what the Cuban people want.

The ego is there, too.  This, along with the Iran deal and the Benghazi talking points, is his legacy, his little mark on history that enables this creative writing major to compete in the eyes of his parents, maybe, with his smarter brother, David Rhodes, president of CBS. 

For all his pleading protestations written in a piece in The Atlantic, shielding his despicable scheme behind the skirts of Pope Francis, citing all the Republicans in vague polls who supposedly support him, and casually name-checking "socialism" as one cause of Cuba's misery and then moving on to what he really thinks is the problem: the U.S. trade embargo, so Cuba's military dictatorship can buy our goods with our money (and stiff us as they have every other international creditor).

It's indistinguishable from the Castroite line itself.  In fact, there's no daylight between what the Castroites want from us and from what Ben Rhodes wants from us.  The thought that springs to mind is, is this why Ben Rhodes, alone of 187 Obamatons, was unable to get a security clearance?  We still want to know about that one.  He's Castro's most vocal shill right now.

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