David Bonderman vs. womanhood

The WSJ on June 16 featured the story "Billionaire in Hot Water over Uber Gaffe: TPG's Bonderman relinquished board seat, apologizes after errant remark rankles."

The article begins:

For billionaire investor David Bonderman, the controversy caused by a comment he made at an Uber Technologies Inc. employee meeting represents a low point in a career marked by big wins and the occasional high-profile stumble.

The co-founder of private-equity firm TPG resigned from Uber's board after the remark that disparaged women[.]

So what was this incredibly appalling remark?  After Arianna Huffington, a fellow board member had said that data show that "when there's one woman on the Board it's much more likely that there will be a second woman on the Board[.]"

Bonderman answered, "Actually what it shows is that it's much more likely to be more talking[.]"

Not only should he lose his board seat, but he should probably never be able to serve on another board again and should be sued for sexual harassment.  Jokes are just not allowed.

It is too bad that instead of saying women talk a lot he should have been serviced in his office by a young woman.  Who could be offended by that?  He might then be considered a champion of women's rights.

Since high-powered women are so sensitive, maybe a panel of women – say the commentators of The View, could make a list of what it is acceptable for men to say and do so women never again get rankled.

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