Mueller needs to shoot down WaPo

If it's 5:30 PM, then it must be time for another "breaking story" based on a leak.

On Wednesday afternoon, we learned that Mr. Mueller's probe now includes President Trump and obstruction of justice.  This is from the article:

The special counsel overseeing the investigation into Russia's role in the 2016 election is interviewing senior intelligence officials as part of a widening probe that now includes an examination of whether President Trump attempted to obstruct justice, officials said.

The move by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Trump's conduct marks a major turning point in the nearly year-old FBI investigation, which until recently focused on Russian meddling during the presidential campaign and on whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Investigators have also been looking for any evidence of possible financial crimes among Trump associates, officials said.

Of course, "unnamed officials" are the source of the story.

Mr. Mueller has to know who "leaked" this if the story is true.

After all, how many people would know something like this?  It's not as though every typist in his office was aware of this information.

Mr. Mueller must denounce the leak and defend the independence of his investigation.

If false, Mr. Mueller should call out the Washington Post and say that the story is false.

How credible and independent is a special counsel whose staff leaks for this or that reason?

Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein should also say something about the leak.  Did he tell Congress the full story about Mr. Mueller's investigation?  Otherwise, this whole investigation is a sham and won't be accepted by half of the country.

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