'Planned Politicalhood' goes all in

Among the incredible factoids surrounding Democrat Jon Ossoff's failed special election run for Congress was the unprecedented amount of campaign money donated by outside organizations.  One donor that stands out in particular is Planned Parenthood.  It was surpassed in generosity only by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

In 2016, Planned Parenthood donated a total of $689,548 to federal candidates, including $9,613 to Hillary's campaign for president.  The organization donated to the campaigns of 153 House members and 23 senators, and only two were Republicans.  Ninety-nine percent of Planned Parenthood donations went to Democrats.

The people running Planned Parenthood have outdone themselves this year.  Planned Parenthood donated $734,780 to a single campaign, Jon Ossoff's.  That's $45,232 more than it donated to all 177 candidates for federal office in 2016.

PP also has a super-PAC, which spent $14,309,107 in 2016.  This money was used exclusively to defeat Republicans, elect Dems, and promote Planned Parenthood's causes.  The organization should be renamed "Planned Politicalhood."

The question is, why do the Republicans continue to approve over $500 million a year in funding to an organization that overwhelmingly funds their political opponents and actively works to remove them from office?  Not to mention that Planned Parenthood management makes a wonderful income independently from private donations and the sale of barely used baby parts. 

The follow-up question is, can the Republicans really be that stupid?

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