Priest-activist: Trump 'a blessing' for the Church

President Trump has had his share of detractors in the Catholic Church (yet he did win the Catholic vote in 2016), but Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life – and friend of civil rights activist Alveda C. King, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s niece, who voted for Trump – isn't one of them.

In fact, he's one of the president's biggest supporters.

In a news release dated June 8, 2017, Pavone said the following:

As [Trump] spoke passionately of the role of faith in American life, of the freedom Americans must have to live their faith and of the freedom pastors must have to preach that faith without government restriction, I could not help but think that there are so many in the church who do not yet realize what a blessing this president is for the church.

He affirmed our position in regard to the HHS mandate, which Priests for Life has been battling in court, and he also affirmed our position against the very unreasonable requirements of the Johnson Amendment.

I agree with Pavone.  Granted, Trump is no St. Thomas More, but pro-life advocates and the church would have had an arch-enemy in the White House if Trump hadn't won.  Sadly, I'm sure that more than a few clergy and religious voted for the arch-enemy, as they did in 2008 and 2012.  And no, I'm not referring to John McCain or Mitt Romney.

The church in America (and other countries, for that matter) is riddled with leftists.  Thus, how nice it would be if we had more clergy like Pavone, whose years of passionate defense of the innocent unborn should be commended by all.

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