Some people hate Trump. More people hate liberals.

For Republicans, winning never gets monotonous. 

The Karen Handel victory in the Georgia 6th District special election repeats a pattern depressingly familiar to the left.  There have been four special congressional elections since the hated Trump took office, and Democrats have lost all four.  In each contest, the left predicted victory – largely based on what they perceived was hatred of President Trump by ordinary Americans, which would generate "enthusiasm" for the Democrat candidate and drive people in overwhelming numbers to the polls.

Each of the four Democrat candidates was well financed and received strong support from the national party.  Each Democratic candidate's campaign was augmented by hundreds or thousands of activist  volunteer Democrats.  And each and every race was seen as a referendum on Donald Trump – not his policies as much as the man himself.  He is Hitler and Howdy Doody all rolled into one, a traitorous SOB (although most liberals only hint that Trump has committed treason), a threat to the rule of law, and a joke as a president.

And each and every time, liberals have been shocked to discover that ordinary people don't view the president that way.

In Georgia's 6th, reality once again intruded on liberals' fantasies.  They once again failed to grasp that some people may hate President Trump.  But more people hate them.  And unless they can grasp that fundamental point, 2018 will turn into another GOP victory.

The resentment of ordinary Georgia voters begins and ends with the $23 million that poured into the district from Democrat donors across the country – most prominently, from Hollywood and Silicon Valley.  Handel's money also came from out of state, but it didn't come from people who look down their noses at Georgia voters and try to instruct them on what they should think.

That brings us to the national media.  More than any other Democrat-allied group, the media promoted the narrative that Trump is so unpopular that a deep red congressional district was almost certainly going to flip. 

Of course, the press professed to be neutral, and all those negative stories trying to wrap Trump around Handel's neck were what people were really thinking.

One tweet last night sort of blows that nonsense out of the water:

Have you ever seen such long faces?  Whom are they trying to kid?

As long as the faces were at CNN when it became clear Handel was the winner, imagine the chins hitting the floor at the DNC.  They were so sure of victory, so confident of success.  If $23 million can't buy them a House seat, where do they go from here?

The media are thinking the same thing.  The following is from CNN:

With the inflated price tag and the 15-month lag time between the special election and the November 2018 midterms, the contest might not hold much predictive value.

And if Ossoff had won?  How "predictive" would that result have been?

After the initial glum reaction of pundits to Handel's win came the excuses.  It was the weather, it was the big GOP advantage in registration, it was early voting, it was Republican outsiders, it was history, it was counter-historical, Ossoff wasn't liberal enough, no unions, blacks didn't turn out, and the most common complaint from the left about ordinary voters...

The people refused to vote "their interests."

All of those excuses fail to get to the crux of why the left keeps losing.  Ordinary Americans simply don't like leftists very much.  And when Hollywood and Silicon Valley unite to tell them they are stupid, are ignorant, are racist, are homophobic, hate Muslims, and shouldn't love America so much, what do they expect the reaction from ordinary people will be?

Republicans are not representatives of the people any more than Democrats are.  But they speak the language of the ordinary voter and usually don't put them down.  The coastal elites who run the Democratic Party and liberal establishment cannot disguise their contempt for ordinary Americans.  In Georgia's 6th District, that smug, self-righteous sense of superiority played about as well as one might expect.

Until the Democrats can learn to mask their hatred of the hoi polloi, ordinary people will hate them more than they hate Trump and the Republicans.

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