UK elections: A referendum on terrorism and rogue regimes

While the United Kingdom's election today carries great importance on a whole host of issues, it is a referendum on terrorism and rogue regimes.  A vote for Theresa May is a vote for the U.K. and the free world, while a vote for Jeremy Corbyn is a win for terrorists and rogue regimes.

The stakes are very high for today's election in the U.K., and the choice could not be starker.  The election is much more than choosing an individual as prime minister; it is about choosing whether the U.K. will ally itself with the Free World or with terrorists and rogue regimes.  It is a referendum on whether the U.K. prefers a close alliance with the United States and NATO, or a close relationship with terrorist organizations and rogue regimes.  The stakes are very high.

Theresa May is a reliable ally to the United States and many other nations of the Free World, as well as a strong partner in NATO.  In contrast, Jeremy Corbyn has expressed his strong support for terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezb'allah and has allied himself with the rogue regimes of Iran and North Korea.  Corbyn has also professed his strong opposition to NATO.

The U.K. is reeling from three terrorist attacks this year.  If the United Kingdom's electorate chooses Corbyn, it would be an epic capitulation to the very terrorists who continue to attack them.  Worse, it would be choosing to ally with those very organizations and countries that seek the downfall of the U.K. and of the free world.

Corbyn referred to Hezb'allah and Hamas as "friends," stating "it will be my pleasure and honor to host an event at Parliament where our friends from Hezb'allah will be speaking," adding that "friends from Hamas" had also been invited.

He also stated his support for the Iranian regime in 2014, saying, "I respect Iran's history.  I respect what brought about the revolution in 1979."  That same year, Corbyn referred to NATO as a "very, very dangerous Frankenstein of an organization."  In 2011, he had also referred to NATO as "a danger to world peace" and a "major problem."  And, with respect to North Korea, Corbyn described them as "not a rogue state."  On the other hand, he referred to Israel as a "rogue state that is destroying the lives of so many people."  At that same event he also decried U.S. funding for Israel's missile defense shield that protects its civilian population, and he called for a full halt to E.U. trade with Israel.

By contrast, although the British government's posture toward Israel in the U.N. has been lukewarm at best, May does speak enthusiastically in support of Israel.  She listed the threats Israel faces from Hezb'allah, Hamas, Iran, and Syria, stating: "No democratic government could, in the face of such danger, do anything but maintain a strong defense and security capability and be prepared to deploy it if necessary.  That is why I – and the whole British government – will always defend Israel's right to defend itself."  Theresa May also secured a major commitment from President Trump to support NATO and successfully argued that NATO should become actively involved in the fight against the Islamic State.

Corbyn defended Hamas and its constitution in the wake of Hamas's 2006 victory in Palestinian elections, writing:

Hamas won the election both in the popular vote and constituency sections.  It is a result that must be respected.  However, the US and some of the European leaders seem to have some problem recognising this.  Without any sense of irony, they have united in demanding that Hamas change its constitution and relinquish all claims to Israel.

He described Hamas as "an organization ... dedicated towards the good of the [Palestinian] people and bringing about long term peace ... in the whole region" and said that the U.K.'s labeling of Hamas as a terrorist organization "is really a big, big historical mistake."

However, Article 7 of Hamas's constitution calls for the wholesale genocide of Jews throughout the world.  This is something Corbyn tacitly defends, despite his protestations that he and the Labor Party are opposed to anti-Semitism.

Similarly, Hezb'allah, an organization that Corbyn also calls his "friend," is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of U.S. peacekeepers in the Beirut barracks bombings.  Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezb'allah, has stated his intent to wipe out all Jews.

Jeremy Goldberg, in The Atlantic, compiled a list of quotes from officials in the Iranian regime that call for the destruction of Israel.

None of this bothers Corbyn, who was also paid approximately $27,000 for multiple appearances on Iran's Press TV.  Press TV was banned in the U.K. for filming the detention and torture of an Iranian journalist.  It was on Press TV that Corbyn in 2012 referred to the killing of Osama bin Laden as a "tragedy."

Corbyn has been friendly with the IRA, a recognized terrorist organization responsible for many attacks on the United Kingdom, including the attempted assassination of former prime minister Margaret Thatcher.  His long friendship with the IRA runs deep, and Corbyn has not changed his stance; he has recently repeatedly refused to condemn the terrorist attacks perpetrated by the IRA.

Corbyn argued that the 7/7 London terrorist bombings were the fault of the U.K., claiming that the U.K. "is at risk because of the way [it] inflicts an insecurity on so many other people around the world."  He condemned the U.K.'s use of drones, a weapon employed against the Islamic State, as an "obscenity."  In line with this way of thinking, Corbyn wishes to make significant cuts to the U.K. military at a time of continued threats from terrorists, and he has opposed the U.K.'s "shoot to kill" policy for its military and police.

Corbyn supported calls for Theresa May's resignation in the wake of the London Bridge attacks and has attempted to sway public opinion in his favor, claiming he could better protect the U.K.'s security.  Far from protecting the United Kingdom, a Corbyn premiership would be disastrous to its security and relationships with its allies and could prove a boon for terrorists and rogue regimes.

The U.K.'s electorate is not simply choosing a prime minister; the people are choosing a path forward.  A vote for Jeremy Corbyn is a vote for insecurity and for an alliance with rogue regimes and terrorist organizations.  Theresa May is a reliable ally of the United States, and whatever shortcomings she may have are a far cry from the radical extremism that Corbyn supports and represents.  The choice could not be clearer.  Choose wisely, U.K.

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