Fake news: Real terror

The media's condemnation of President Donald Trump for having a second chat (this time over dinner) several weeks ago with Russian president Vladimir Putin, about which President Trump did not inform the media, is one of the most inane and empty-headed charges conjured up yet.  The media should be ashamed of themselves for portraying this second discussion as some type of infraction.  What exactly was the wrongdoing that was committed?  This "news story" is a total concoction on the part of a media machine that is hungry to lynch the president, such that the media will create meaningless stories out of thin air in their desperate attempt to unilaterally judge and convict Mr. Trump.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was recently subjected to the same type of condemnation by liberal European and American media.  At a meeting in Budapest last week with the leaders of four Central and Eastern European nations, Netanyahu criticized the European Union on a "hot mic":

"The EU is the only association of countries in the world that conditions the relations with Israel, that produces technology and every area, on political conditions. The only ones! Nobody does it. It's crazy. It's actually crazy. There is no logic here.

"The EU is undermining its security by undermining Israel. Europe is undermining its progress by undermining its connection with Israeli innovation by a crazy attempt to create political conditions.

"I think Europe has to decide if it wants to live and thrive or if it wants to shrivel and disappear. I am not very politically correct. I know that's a shock to some of you. It's a joke. But the truth is the truth – both about Europe's security and Europe's economic future. Both of these concerns mandate a different policy towards Israel." [emphasis added]

Despite the liberal media's effort to conjure up an "attack" story out of a candid and critical assessment by a world leader, Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban welcomed Netanyahu's remarks and replied:

"If Europe does not cooperate with Israel, then Europe punishes herself[.]" ... 

"Israel and Europe's relationship is not rational, and there is no rationality in their connection. It is time to return to a normal and smooth relationship. Europe should appreciate Israel's effort in the interest of the stability of the Middle East."

Although the press portrayed the Israeli prime minister's remarks as some type of unforgivable sin, they were received as a breath of fresh air by those more interested in security than in the left-wing political correctness that has a stranglehold on much of Western Europe. 

President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu continue to brush off the fake news.  May this continue.

However, some in the media, and Palestinian leadership in particular, have now used fake news to justify the commission of new and horrific acts of terror. 

A little over a week ago, three Arabs on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem gunned down two Israeli police officers in a totally unprovoked massacre.  In response, the Israelis closed the Temple Mount for two days, during which they installed metal detectors in order to prevent further smuggling of firearms onto the Mount by terrorists.  Makes sense. 

In response, the Jerusalem Arab street has undertaken violent rioting against the Israeli police for the Israelis' "provocation" of installing metal detectors on the Temple Mount to prevent further terrorism.  If this is a provocation, I cannot image what type of passive self-defense action is not a provocation in the eyes of these rioters.

Then, this past Friday night, as a Jewish family was eating a Sabbath meal after returning home from prayers, a 20-year-old Arab terrorist entered their home and stabbed three of them to death in cold blood.  What was their crime?  There was no crime, yet the murders were praised by Hamas head Ismael Haniyeh as "an heroic act that lifted the heads of the (Palestinian) nation high." 

Yesterday, two Jordanians were killed and an Israeli seriously wounded when a Jordanian terrorist opened fire at the Israeli embassy in Amman.  This occurred in tandem with mass street protests in Amman against the Israelis' installation of metal detectors on the Temple Mount.  

And yesterday as well as today, Hamas shot two rockets from Gaza toward Israeli civilian targets.    

This wave of Arab terror was incited by fake news.  The installation of a noninvasive security system – metal detectors – was fabricated by Palestinians and others into an excuse for the continued brutal terror. 

Major public gathering places the world over, including stadiums, government buildings, airports, and even houses of prayer, have metal detectors.  It may be a bit inconvenient, but civilized people know that it can save many lives, and they appreciate it.

The Talmud states that before the Eschatological Era, decency will be replaced by insolence, and normal values will be turned on their head.  It sure looks as though we're approaching that point.

Avrohom Gordimer is a senior rabbinic fellow at the Coalition for Jewish Values, a public policy institute reflecting traditional Jewish thought.  He serves on the editorial board of Jewish Action magazine; is a staff writer for the Cross-Currents website; and is a frequent contributor to Israel National News, Yated Ne'eman, and a host of other publications.  He is a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and the New York Bar, and he works as an account executive at a large Jewish organization based in Manhattan.  The views expressed in the above article are solely those of the writer.

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