Sebastian Gorka, rock star!

Have the mainstream media finally caught on to the obvious?  Well, at least Mike Allen, and his Axios news site, have, recognizing Trump counterterrorism adviser and administration spokesman Sebastian Gorka for who he is, a rock star, as he puts it, instead of what the media's parrot-meisters, JournoListers, leftists, and echo gallery clowns claim he is.  Axios writes:

But to Trump's nationalist base, and the one person who matters inside the White House, he's become a rock star in recent days. Gorka's stock has soared as President Trump has watched him on various cable channels fighting with the hosts and accusing them of being part of the "fake news industrial complex."

Before Trump left for Paris yesterday evening, he was asking West Wing staff, "Did you see Gorka? So great, I mean really, truly great." Trump loved, in particular, when Gorka told CNN morning host Alisyn Camerota that more people are interested in cartoons than CNN, and that the network's ratings are lower than "Nick at Nite."

Long the object of calumnies and fake news – the phony Nazi claim is a real favorite of theirs – the reality is that Gorka is probably the most effective spokesman of the Trump administration.  He makes appearances on Fox News and other outlets as a spokesman for the White House, takes on the mud flung from some pampered prince of the press, and fires back with lightning-fast wit and a sharp verbal sword to the talking head.

It's great television and a great means of reaching ordinary Americans without the media filter.  After seeing performances like thisthis, or this, is it any wonder that Gorka is Trump's favorite spokesman?  But more to the point, it shows that Gorka is popular on television, reflecting well the Trump position and explaining it out in language ordinary Americans can understand.  His performance beat the questions of the mainstream media to other White House spokespeople who must field gotcha questions and speak in sound bites.

It goes to show that the slings and arrows fired at Gorka have been such a loser for the leftists who orchestrate them, notably the Deep State holdovers and Obama dead-enders such as Ben Rhodes, who was responsible for so much of the distracting catcalls and fake news claims.  Here's but one example of the moral bankruptcy of Gorka's attackers.

It may signal that the media are recognizing reality on the irrelevance of Ben Rhodes and beginning to look to what Gorka really represents to the people in general.

He was always this way; it was just that the media kept smearing him to advance the Rhodes agenda.

Now that the tables are turned, some of the smarter media – those who care about ratings, that is – are sitting up and taking notice.  Gorka really is a rock star.  He really does have special talents.  He really does delight U.S. voters. It's all good.

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