Senator McCain loves to be loved

The media love it when John McCain talks about not listening to the bombastic loudmouths on the radio, television, or the internet – especially because he left out the loudmouths at the NYT, the WaPo, and other newspapers.  The people at CNN and other networks believe he was talking about Rush and Sean the way they do.

From the following article (video here):

He chided extremists in the media: "Stop listening to the bombastic loudmouths on the radio, television, and internet. To hell with them! They don't want anything done for the public good." He continued, "We've been spinning our wheels on too many important issues because we keep trying to find a way to win without help from across the aisle."

I would love this quote if he had instead referred to the bombastic loudmouths in Congress, such as himself, Graham, Schumer, Durbin, Pelosi, Warren, Sanders, Gutiérrez, and more, too numerous to name.  It would also have been good if he went after bombastic loudmouth idiots like Al Gore, who just makes stuff up.  Sadly, he ignored the opportunity for a more complete list.  But he did talk about the "public good," which is a euphemism dear to politicians.  He wants power concentrated in Washington.

I believe I also heard McCain talk about the need for Congress to check executive power, and I agree with him.  But where was that speech when Obama continually abused his power for eight years?  Congress and the media essentially sat back and watched as Obama illegally spied, stifled free speech of his political opponents via the IRS, and ignored and rewrote immigration laws and any other laws he didn't like.  But after six months of Trump, where he hasn't abused any power, McCain says it is now time.

I feel bad that McCain is sick, but he was a terrible candidate against Obama and seems to be loved by the media.  And they do love him as long as he is willing to pile on and trash Republicans the same way they do.  He was trashed by the media when he ran against Obama, but they love him now.

It is similar to the Democrats, including the media, trashing Jeff Sessions when he was nominated but feigning outrage when Trump says negative things about him.

Basically, the media will exploit anyone who goes against Trump, and McCain is useful to them right now.  It is a shame that McCain doesn't realize that he is being used.

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