The PC revolution devours its children in Minneapolis

The appalling spectacle of Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodge's press conference taken over by radical black protesters, nationally televised live on Fox News, has exposed the inevitable degeneration of identity politics there.  The mayor must have expected that her announcement of her firing of the city's "mold-breaking" openly lesbian police chief would calm the waters.

Instead, the insurgents who had gathered for a rally in Loring Park and marched to City Hall created a circus and made the mayor the sad clown.

Photo: Tony Webster/Flickr

You can watch the entire agonizing 17 minutes below, or just click, and within seconds, the chaos erupts.

The city I grew up in has been radically transformed, with approximately one hundred thousand Somalis imported through a State Department initiative taken because of the state's generous welfare expenditures.  An entire African, Muslim community was grafted onto what had been the most heavily Caucasian major metropolitan area in the country – perhaps the first ever diversity graft onto an American metropolis, engineered by the federal government.

I can only hope that the worldwide attention the story of the shooting of pretty blonde Australian immigrant Justine Damond by Somali immigrant cop Mohammed Noor opens the door to exposing the P.C. madness that has gripped Minneapolis to worldwide ridicule.  As Scott Johnson of Powerline ruefully headlines, "The whole world is watching our clown show."

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