Which candidate should Putin have favored in the 2016 election?

"Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country."  –John McCain, 2014

Russia's Economy and Political Strength

The Russian economy is dominated by natural gas and oil production and sale.  A large part of Russia's political sway in Europe is due to its sale of natural gas to European countries that need it to run their economies.  Part of why the Europeans have not fought the Russian attacks on Ukraine is the fear of natural gas being cut off.

In the U.S., there are persistent allegations that Putin's Russia has funded anti-fracking groups within the U.S.  It makes eminent sense for the Russians to do this since the biggest threat to Russia's economy is more competition from American natural gas brought to market via fracking.

2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign

During the campaign, Hillary Clinton raised money from Tom Steyer and other anti-fossil fuel advocates.  Clinton was opposed to fracking.  (Note: This probably cost her the state of Pennsylvania.)  Clinton was a champion of the Paris Climate Accord.  Clinton's positions on energy policy were pro-Russian.  Clinton is opposed to competing with Russia in the natural gas market.

Consistently during Trump's campaign, he advocated for expanding fossil fuel energy production.  In May 2016, Trump gave a speech outlining his views on energy policy.  He advocated large growth in fossil fuel production, including natural gas.  He advocated building the Keystone pipeline.  He advocated exporting American energy as a way of increasing employment in the U.S.  One of his campaign promises was to drop out of the Paris Climate Accord.  Trump was advocating anti-Russian economic policy by freeing American energy companies to compete more vigorously in the global energy markets.

Trump Administration Policies

The Trump Administration has appointed Scott Pruitt to be EPA administrator, Rick Perry to be secretary of energy, and Ryan Zinke to be secretary of the interior.  These officials have helped Trump put together a plan for not just energy independence for the U.S., but U.S. energy dominance.  He has approved pipelines and port facilities to export more natural gas.  He is working to open up more government-owned land to oil and natural gas exploration.

The U.S. is expanding its energy exports rapidly, including to Europe.  Trump went to Poland and promised U.S. natural gas to the Polish people.  Having access to U.S. natural gas means Polish independence from Russia.  And the rest of Eastern Europe will follow.  This economic relationship will have geopolitical ramifications, including the weakening of Russia and Putin.

And the one person in the world with the best knowledge of the impact of U.S. energy exports on Russia is...Trump's appointee to be secretary of state, Rex Tillerson.  Tillerson knows how reliant Putin is on oil and natural gas sales.  Tillerson can use this to the maximum leverage.

U.S. natural gas and oil production is a far more effective economic weapon against Putin and Russia than any sanctions we can place on them.  Trump's energy policies are more anti-Russian than anything Clinton ever would have done.  And Putin knew that and knows it now.

Clinton's energy policies were pro-Russian.  Trump's energy policies are anti-Russian.  Putin knew this and knows it now.

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