GOP may get its 53rd senator before 2018

A plot seems to be unfolding to appoint Senator Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., to the position of energy secretary currently held by Rick Perry.  West Virginia's newly Republican governor, Jim Justice, would then appoint a Republican to fill out the term and switch one seat to the GOP.  Under this scheme, the "skinny repeal" of Obamacare could pass, for instance.

Deplorable Don Surber knows the state and explains:

[R]umor has it President Trump will move Rick Perry over to Homeland Security, and then pick Manchin to run the Department of Energy. The deal apparently hinges on Governor Jim Justice appointing a Republican to replace Manchin.

I would not trust Justice or Manchin with their own money.

Manchin is a cap-and-trader. Justice owes the state millions in back taxes.

That said, if we can cut deals with Saudi princes for the sake of the democracy, why not a couple of West Virginia Democrats?

Manchin is headed for defeat if he runs again, Don explains.  Justice, untrustworthy though he may be, has an opportunity to ingratiate himself in his new party, which looksto dominate West Virginia politics for the foreseeable future.

Everybody wins.  Except Democrats.

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