Justice versus social justice

The Preamble to the Constitution states:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Do you, today, feel the blessings of liberty or domestic tranquility?  Do you feel a sense of union with your fellow people of these United States?  How about justice?

Of all our foundational tenets, let me suggest that justice is the cornerstone.

Without justice, life is but power and not power.  Justice is often depicted as the image of Lady Justice, derived from Justia, the Roman goddess of justice.

Lady Justice is depicted as blindfolded, carrying a scale and a sword.

Lady Justice's blindfold is intended to depict the absoluteobjectivity of rulings, without fear or favor, regardless of the identity, power, or weakness of the individuals (or groups or issues) before the court.  Her scale, typically suspended from her left hand, serves to measure the strengths of a case against the facts.  She is also seen carrying a double-edged sword in her right hand, which divides with the power of reason and justice in both directions simultaneously.

It is hard to elucidate sufficiently the critical function of justice within society.  Without justice, there is chaos.

Social justice conversely consists of almost exclusively the sword.  The blindfold is thrown off, allowing the adjudicating authorities (not a court of law) to see in one party a victim and another an oppressor.  Disregarding the (scale of) truth, said authorities then use the sword to exact justice against the oppressor, on behalf of the oppressed – the haves and have-nots.

While American society was premised on justice, we are very quickly entering into a new era.  A social justice era.  Old protections (of law), insists the social justice warrior, were designed to elevate some groups (white men primarily) at the expense of other groups (non-white men, women, minorities, the dozen or so genders, etc).  The fact that some white men fall behind, while some non-white men, women, and minorities excel, is discounted as an anomaly.  These old (white) protections must be destroyed with prejudice.  

Social justice is a Marxist tenet, pitting the proletariat against the bourgeoisie – the working class (or, more often today, the non-working class) against the evil rich and middle classes.  Class (and race) warfare as formulated by Marx and furthered in the 20th century by Saul Alinsky is being advanced today in America, by George Soros, Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, academia, mainstream media (the Ministry of Truth), and a myriad of enforcement groups (BLM, Antifa) of the new paradigm.

The events in Charlottesville couldn't have gone off better for the left, had Plutarch Heavensbee, the head gamemakerin The Hunger Games, orchestrated the entire event from an underground control panel.

The left, aided and abetted by the media, have seized this event to label all Republicans generally, and Trump supporters specifically, as racist.  It sure didn't help to have our feckless, ahem, representatives buy in to the false narrative that President Trump was somehow complicit in the Charlottesville debacle because some clowns claimed to speak for him, or on behalf of the right more broadly.  I have been a conservative activist for more than a decade – I have never come across anyone in the Republican Party, the Tea Party, or the conservative movement more broadly who espoused race supremacism.  Now we're all racists.

This singular event will have the effect of silencing any and all opposition to the social justice agenda.  Reason and debate are dead.  You're either on the right side of history or you're a roadblock to Utopia.

Tax reform – racist

Health care reform – racist

Investigation into election integrity – racist

Oppose tearing down Civil War-era monuments – racist

Oppose reparations – racist

Oppose student loan forgiveness – racist

Solar eclipse – racist

Oppose abortion – misogynist

Build the wall – racist

And finally, oppose abandoning the Constitution – racist

Anyone not down with the goals and objectives of the new social justice directive has one of two choices.  Submit and atone for your sins, or be whipped upside the head with a nightstick and shipped off to the gulag.  You will get your thinking right, no matter how much voltage is necessary.  Two and two are five.

The end goal is the destruction of America (as an idea), with incorporation into the global family of countries.  Your new global masters will be sure to make good use of your labor.  Interestingly enough, our current fight over the war that resulted in the emancipation of slaves (by Republicans) will make us all slaves of the global elite.  Well played, comrades.

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