Mr. President: Don't negotiate with the swamp. Drain it.

What we saw emerging in Charlottesville was the violent wing of the unholy alliance that exists in tandem with what is called "the swamp."  Democrats and even some renegade Republicans have their tentacles deep into our duly elected president's administration with a malign purpose: to bring him down.

The ultimate aim is to overturn President Trump's election victory over Hillary Clinton and usher in a pervasive, debilitating socialist and statist regime in America.

A friend and fellow journalist who lives in Charlottesville called me and pointed out that Virginia's Democrat governor, Terry McAuliffe, has much to answer for with respect to the violence that ensued in his state and in Charlottesville.

According to my friend, the governor had deliberately chosen to spend the night in Charlottesville before the violence broke out.  He had stayed at the city's Boar's Head Inn.

Certainly, eyewitnesses and reporters agree that while the violence was instigated by neo-Nazis, it was met with bloody counterattacks by left-wingers and black-shirted anarchists wearing masks.  Indeed, Antifa – short for "anti-fascist" – protesters came armed with pepper spray, bricks, clubs, and worse.

The most compelling question my friend asked was this: "Does the Democrat governor and mayor's failure to secure the streets make them morally or legally responsible?"  Indeed, McAuliffe had allegedly claimed that the white nationalists who streamed into Charlottesville that weekend hid weapons throughout the town.

Young socialists, Marxists, and anti-Trumpers march in Charlottesville.

"They had battering rams and we had picked up different weapons that they had stashed around the city," McAuliffe reportedly said in an interview on the "Pod Save the People" podcast, hosted by Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson.  However, the police have strongly disputed the governor's statement and emphatically say no such weapons were ever found.

As Daniel Greenfield wrote recently in his blog:

The bottom line in all this is that the leftist rally was not remotely peaceful. It had, at best, sizable contingents of violent people. There was plenty of leftist violence that day. And the media, which glamorizes Antifa, bears its share of the blame for the resulting outcome. Was the Democrat Governor in communication with the police? What did he know, and when did he know it?

My friend from Charlottesville added this salient point about many of the leftwing rioters who came to his city on that fateful day: "You can't go into an airport or government building with arms, but it was OK to enter the city center in a demo with weapons!" 

It has been suggested that an FBI civil rights probe must now investigate the culpability of Democrat governor McAuliffe and Charlottesville leaders in allegedly fomenting an increased climate of hatred so as to then falsely blame President Trump.

Was this yet another attempt, with the aid of the fake media, at further besmirching the president – even as he battles the noxious swamp within his besieged administration?

Dinesh D'Souza's new book, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Links of the American Left, demonstrates that ideologically and historically, racism, fascism, and Nazism are in fact left-wing phenomena.  Indeed, what happened at Charlottesville was an outright gift to the left and to the fake media.

The Democratic Party is the party of ethnic nationalism, D'Souza suggests.  Originally, it was the upholder of white nationalism, as in the South, but today, it has reversed itself completely and become the upholder of every ethnic nationalism it can with one obvious exception: white ethnicity.

In fact, white nationalists, some of whom were wearing Trump hats, fed the false, odious narrative that Trump is a fascist.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.

A leader of the white nationalists is one Jason Kessler, who, it turns out, as D'Souza discovered and claims in his book, is none other than a Democrat, an Obama supporter, and an Occupy Wall Street guy.  The leftist swamp monsters again!

If I had a Twitter account and could send the president a tweet, I think I would write as follows: "No time to go wobbly, sir.  You are not there to negotiate with the swamp.  You're there to drain it."

It would be unbearable if the streets of America were to be turned into those nightmarish examples of what took place during the 1920s in the cities of Germany's Weimar Republic.  Then, Stalinists and fascists fought bloody street battles, eventually bringing down the democratically elected government and leading to the rise of Adolf Hitler.

Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writerauthor of The Blue Hour, a collection of thirteen short stories, and of the acclaimed three-volume work Politicide.  His fourth volume has just been published.

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