The 'Bannon presidency' blather

I opened up the dead tree Wall Street Journal dated August 19 and 20 to the editorial page, and I saw one of the most condescending headlines ever: "After the Bannon Presidency."

There is no doubt that it has been the Trump presidency from the start, and it still is.

The subhead is "Trump can't govern with a Breitbart coalition. Does he see that?"

I have never seen that he is trying to govern with a pretend "Breitbart coalition."  Trump is working as hard as he can to transfer the power and purse that have been amassed in D.C. back to the people, where they belong.  After all, the Constitution starts with "We the People," not "We the Politicians."  All the political calculus behind imaginary coalitions matters less than the goal and the commitment.

President Trump is having trouble with McConnell, McCain, Graham, Collins, Sasse, Flake, and more.  McConnell said after the election last fall that the Senate would immediately get rid of Obamacare, and then, seven months later, he blamed Trump for not getting it done.  I have never seen a group of people who believe that their main job is to take vacations instead of working for the people – which is what they were hired to do.  Trump, by contrast, is working extremely hard. 

We just went through an eight-year Soros-Jarrett presidency.  Why doesn't the WSJ give a list of what Obama passed through Congress with his coalition for eight years?  His biggest domestic accomplishment was Obamacare, which is an unmitigated disaster.  The Democrats didn't read it before they passed it, and Jonathon Gruber admitted that they had to continually lie to the stupid American people to get it through.  What an accomplishment.

Obama and the Democrats rarely passed a budget, as required by law, while Obama was there and ran up $10 trillion in debt.  He did not pass immigration reform; instead, he ruled by fiat.  Obama's policies were certainly not progressive.  There is nothing progressive about transferring freedom to D.C. and making more people dependent on government while punishing generations to come. 

His biggest supposed foreign policy achievement, the deal with Iran, already is a disaster.  Ben Rhodes said the administration continually lied about the deal to the American people and the compliant media that would just repeat what they were told. 

I never saw a headline in the establishment media that implied that Obama did not have the ability to independently think in the same way the "After the Bannon Presidency" article implied. 

I look at the Obama presidency, and I see little that indicates that he cared about the people.  Much of what I see indicates that his presidency was about remaking America by amassing power in D.C.  He greatly harmed future generations, continually abusing presidential power such as by ignoring immigration law.  He also targeted political opponents via the IRS and through continual spying.

The presidency remains firmly in the hands of the man constitutionally granted its vast powers through the Electoral College.

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