Trump-haters can’t help themselves, creating Trump voters in New Jersey

Keep it up, you coastal elites. Keep telling the unwashed deplorables how much you loathe them, where they live, their tastes, habits, and even where they go on vacation. Ridicule the things about President Trump that endear him to people that resent the people who seem to be in charge of everything. In fact, go ahead and deliver a scathing insult to the Garden State of New Jersey and its estimated 8.994 million residents.

It required the efforts of two of the Boston Globe’s top reporters, Matt Viser and Annie Linskey, to concoct the elitist disdain that is apparent in the title of their piece, “Forget scenic traditions — Trump vacations in the land of spray tans.”

In selecting New Jersey, Trump, a billionaire homebody despite his jet-setting reputation, will settle for the thwack of golf balls and the chirping of birds on his own golf course in a state that conjures spray tans, Snooki, muscle shirts, “The Sopranos,” traffic jams, and toll plazas.

Oh, and those eponymous concrete barriers on the interstate.

Trump will even be able to hear the tractor-trailers from his chosen venue: the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. The seventh hole on one of the club’s two courses is a pitching wedge shot from I-78, a.k.a. the Phillipsburg-Newark Expressway.

This last point will resonate with every duffer that ever scraped together enough money to play on a public course that was not exactly Pebble Beach or St. Andrews.  Freeway noise is a comparatively mild discomfort on urban public courses.  

Shame on Trump for playing on a course that is less than perfect! That’ll really make people hate him.

Actually, Trump is “vacationing” at his own property, set up just as he likes, and will be working even when playing golf, most likely.  There is good reason to be there:  vacating the White House was necessary to provide 17 days for extensive renovations, including new HVAC and probably stuff that is top secret.  He is conducting the nation's business at The Summer White House while the offices are being fixed up, including installing functional airconditioning.

 But that doesn’t deter the media from mocking Trump and everyone who isn’t a member of their upper crust smart set.

Needless to say, hackles have been raised in New Jersey, which, in fact, has many very pleasant places, some of them, like the Jersey Shore, visited by far more people than Martha’s Vineyard.

Manhattanites think of New Jersey this way:

Photo credit: King of Hearts via Wikimedia Commons

 That is not only politically foolish, it is ignorant. Every region of this country has magnificent places for vacations. And everyone knows it, except for Trump haters who have decided that the proles of the nation have failed them, and need to be shamed back into their customary subservience.

 As Professor Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit always explains: “THIS IS HOW YOU GET MORE TRUMP.”

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