What about the Buffalo Soldier statue?

What about the Buffalo Soldier statue?  Is it time to tear it down?  The Buffalo Soldiers are mostly known for killing Native Americans during the Indian Wars.  Can we really tolerate a statue to them, despite the fact that it is part of our history?

They also fought in Cuba, Mexico, and the Philippines, where they killed Cubans, Mexicans, and Filipinos.  Are any of their descendants outraged by the statue?

I suspect that most people tearing down Confederate monuments have never heard of the Buffalo Soldiers.  The Cheyenne Indians named the Army's black soldiers the "Buffalo Soldiers" because they thought their black, curly hair resembled a buffalo's coat.

The Buffalo Soldiers comprised four regiments: the 9th and 10th Cavalry and the 24th and 25th Infantry.  The first of the regiments was formed in September, 1866, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; the last was disbanded in 1951.

The Buffalo Soldiers were known for their courage.  A total of twenty-three of them earned the Medal of Honor during the Indian Wars.  (Should there be a demand that the medals be returned?)

In 1992 at Fort Leavenworth, a statue was dedicated to the Buffalo Soldiers.  It was dedicated by Gen. Colin Powell, the then-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  The sixteen-foot-high bronze statue, which cost $850,000, was erected to honor the men who so valiantly honored the country for which they had enlisted.  Like the soldiers from the South during the Civil War, they followed the orders they were given.

And then there is the additional problem of Cathay Williams, the only female Buffalo Soldier.  Since women were not allowed in the military, she changed her name and passed herself off as a man.  Her deception was discovered two years later during a physical examination, and she was dismissed.

A monument to her was unveiled on July 22, 2016.  Should that one be taken down, too?

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