A lexicon for the Third Jihad

What is the terminology that most accurately describes the Third Jihad?

Islamists: Those Muslims who advocate the outer jihad of Muhammad, as expressed by his actions during the eight years it took him to establish control of Medina.  Islamists believe in the ideology of Islam, not the religion of Islam.  The ideology of Islam is the historic Islam; it is not a perversion that has created Daesh (ISIS).

The ideology of Islam requires submission and lying to kaffirs (infidels).  It has no place for individuals with free will.

There are two kinds of Islamists:

Militant Islamists: Those Muslims who advocate and use violence.  They are often called radical Islamic terrorists, but this is misleading since terror is a means, not a motivation.

"Moderate" Islamists: Those Muslims who claim that the ideology of Islam is a religion of peace.  They demand that all non-believers accept Islam as they define it.  They are a fifth column attempting to weaken and destroy Western culture, all religions, and the principles and ideals upon which America was founded.  They say they oppose terror but do nothing to stop it.  They say they are not extremists but are dedicated to Muhammad's outer jihad.  They believe that Allah expects them to lie to non-believers in order to spread Islam.  They are moderate only in that they are not terrorists.

Modern Muslims: Those Muslims who want to reform Islam so that it becomes a true religion that expects individuals to use their free will to select their own beliefs.  This is what Muhammad called the inner (or greater) jihad, a struggle within an individual to overcome the baser human instincts. 

Secular Muslims: Those Muslims who just want to live in peace and do not want to be involved in disputes over Islam.  However, they can be converted into either Islamists or Modern Muslims – and rarely into Christians.

Victory is through terminology. –Saul Alinsky

We call Islam a religion because we don't have a place for religious government in our lexicon. –Russ Vane

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