Cuba not so 'gay' for homosexuals opposing Castro

For years, Cuba was not very friendly to homosexuals – i.e., concentration camps for gays and segregation of people with HIV.    

About 20 years ago, Reynaldo Arenas wrote his memoirs and reminded the world that homosexuality is a crime in Cuba, and he was one of the many exhibits of that repression.

You wouldn't know it with the number of Hollywoodies who overlooked the treatment of gays to take a photo with the world's #1 anti-U.S. leader, who also allegedly offers "free health care" to his people.  It's amazing what some in the left are willing to do to stand next to a guy who hates the U.S. and sings the wonders of socialized medicine.

Of course, all of us have known for a long time that Cuba is a fraud, specially the health care system.

Let me tell you now about the latest fraud, or the way anti-gay Castro Cubans are treated by Michael Moore's favorite regime.

This is from The Washington Blade:

Two gay Cuban journalists said authorities detained them on Wednesday as they covered Hurricane Irma preparations

CiberCuba, a news website that operates independently of the Cuban government, reported Carlos Alejandro Rodríguez and his partner, Maykel González, were reporting for Periodismo de Barrio, an affiliated online outlet, in the city of Sagua la Grande when the reported incident took place.

It gets more interesting:    

González has also publicly criticized President Raúl Castro and his daughter, Mariela Castro, who spearheads LGBT-specific issues in Cuba as director of the country’s National Center for Sexual Education. Rodríguez on Thursdaytold the Blade authorities continue to target him and González because of this criticism and their work as independent journalists.

So the Cuban government does not like independent journalists?  In this case, it's homosexual independent journalists.

I do congratulate The Washington Blade for telling us about these two Cuban men.  Of course, it would be nice if the LGBT community in the U.S. would call for a boycott of the island until its government becomes more "tolerant."

For some reason, I don't think LGBT leaders in the U.S. will do it.  I could be wrong.  I would actually love to be wrong.

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