Dozens of public school teachers involved in Antifa

The Antifa faction known as "By Any Means Necessary" (BAMN) is one of the largest and best organized groups connected to the violent leftist group. The Daily Caller reports that dozens of public school teachers have known ties to BAMN and are allowed to continue teaching despite their advocacy for violence.

One of BAMN’s most prominent organizers is Yvette Felarca, a Berkeley middle school teacher and pro-violence militant. Felarca currently faces charges of inciting a riot for her role in the Sacramento violence.

After BAMN and other antifa groups staged violent protests in Berkeley to keep right-wing author Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking, Felarca defended her group’s acts of violence. BAMN was able to cancel another event, this time an April speech by pro-Trump author Ann Coulter, by promising a repeat performance of the Milo riots. 

The FBI and DHS say Antifa groups like BAMN are engaging in “domestic terrorist violence,” according to the Politico report.

Just last weekend, Felarca helped organize BAMN’s mass demonstrations that “shut down” an anti-Marxism rally in Berkeley. As with BAMN’s other organized actions, left-wing actors at Saturday’s demonstrations violently attackedpeaceful protesters. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi condemned the Antifa violence in Berkeley, while Felarca called BAMN’s actions a “resounding success.”

There are also Antifa members who run for local teacher union offices:

BAMN is active within both the National Education Association — the nation’s largest teacher’s union — as well as with local and regional teacher’s unions in Michigan and California.

Last year, 17 different BAMN members ran for elected positions on the Detroit Federation of Teachers, according to a newsletter sent out by the DFT. BAMN also ran five candidates for different national leadership positions with the NEA in 2017.

When the Berkeley school district suspended Felarca for her violent activism in 2016 (for which she was charged with inciting a riot), the local teacher’s union sued the school on Felarca’s behalf.

In January 2015, BAMN organizer Steve Conn was elected president of the Detroit Federation of Teachers. The DFT’s executive board charged Conn with misconduct later that year and removed him from office.

Members of a violent, anarchist organization that DHS says carries out "domestic terrorist violence" are teaching our kids, filling their heads with Antifa rot, and trying to show them that violence works.

Antifa's warped worldview does not belong in American classrooms. If I had a school age kid, I would demand that schools and school districts boot any and all Antifa members and sympathizers from their jobs. That they have been able to teach for this long, is a travesty.


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