'La Hillary' is back, and most say 'no más'

On Tuesday morning, I was listening to the latest Hillary Clinton explanation on NPR radio.  She sounded calm, but you can hear the bitterness in her voice.  In other words, this woman really thought she was going to win, and then she did not.

It must have been a rough night at the Clinton offices on election night, when Pennsylvania put Mr. Trump over the top.  Perhaps this is why she did not make a late statement as most candidates do when the election is over.

In yesterday's interview, she was going after Senator Bernie Sanders and how he dragged on the nomination process.  It is a message that we've heard a couple of times from Mrs. Clinton:

Hillary Clinton says Bernie Sanders's reluctance to concede the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination before the party's convention was disrespectful, hurtful and stood in stark contrast to the way she handled her primary loss to Barack Obama in 2008.

"I had such a different experience in '08," Clinton said in an interview with the "Pod Save America" podcast that was posted on Tuesday. 

"Once it was over, it was over. And I quickly endorsed President Obama. I worked really hard to get him elected. I was still arguing with my supporters at the Denver convention, telling people, 'Don't be ridiculous. You've got to vote for Senator Obama, at the time.' And I was thrilled when he got elected."

"I didn't get anything like that respect from Sanders and his supporters," Clinton said. "And it hurt. You know, to have basically captured the nomination, ending up with more than 4 million votes than he had. And he dragged it out."

Secretary Clinton is right about Senator Sanders.  He did drag it out, but that's because he just couldn't shut down his supporters.  Some even wanted him to run as an independent!

She is also right that Mr. Sanders was not a Democrat.  At the same time, why was he allowed to participate in debates?  Why didn't the Democratic Party just say no and keep him out of the primaries and debates?  My guess is that they didn't because they underestimated Sanders's appeal to white college-town liberals and young people totally disgusted with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton.

So the Clinton explanation tour goes on now with a new book, incredibly titled What Happened.

I heard today that most people just want her to retire.  And do what?  Chat with Bill by the fireplace?

Frankly, it's sad to watch, even for those of us who find the Clintons despicable.

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