Stunning poll reveals widespread backlash against refugee immigration in developed countries

Citizens seem to understand more than their leaders in most Western democracies. Here's a stunning poll that shows the depth of popular opposition to anything-goes migration - with the sentiment the same across the developed world. According to this global study from Ipsos-MORI, cited by Breitbart London, a majority of the population in 25 countries finds immigration a major concern, and most citizens are doubtful about migrant claims to being refugees. 

In every single nation surveyed a plurality thought that immigration had had a negative effect. An average of 48 per cent said there are too many immigrants in their countries, against 21 per cent who believe there are not.

A majority in most countries also question if refugees are genuine, believe terrorists are posing as refugees, and think border controls should be tightened.

Breitbart noted that the sharpest shift came from Sweden. Apparently, people aren't as thrilled as their leaders are about a Uniworld Utopia, knowing what migrants are like and what their costs cost them. Note also that Turkey, a nation with a strong national identity, casts an especially baleful eye on unchecked, unvetted and undocumented migrants overrunning their country.

Read it here.


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