The Real Danger to the House of America

I really do not comprehend the need or desire for hatred.  I understand the anger of righteous indignation and the revulsion against evil.  But hatred steals your soul.  So, when the Nazi’s and the KKK try to glorify racial hatred, I don’t understand it.  I am glad Jesus loves them, but loving them, for me, is a serious strain on my sanctification. 

But I don’t think America is under a serious threat from these two hate groups.  Their total membership is small, and in my lifetime I have seen their influence wane severely.  Much of this was accomplished by the FBI.  We can continue to erode their influence by ignoring these people when they want to broadcast their views.  They are guaranteed the right to speak in this country, but are not guaranteed an audience.  Our news media should quit covering their events.  They need to be made irrelevant.

Unfortunately, we have a new hate group that is gaining in power.  This is the group that calls itself antifa. They don’t proclaim racial or minority hatred, but they hate nearly everything else.  They employ Brownshirt tactics of violence, intimidation, and hatred, even while shouting about the evils of fascism. 

They truly hate America.  They hate our Constitution and the rule of law, especially the police.  They hate Christianity and traditional values.  They hate capitalism, even though they enjoy the fruits of it.  They hate our democratic republic and want to destroy it. 

They especially hate Donald Trump and anyone in middle America who voted him into office.  They are gaining in numbers and power and are using the internet and social media to organize.  When they show up in large numbers toting clubs and rocks and wearing masks and hoodies, they use these tools to evade the police. 

We are now discovering that Homeland Security has considered them to be domestic terrorists for more than one year.  Why did Obama do nothing about them?  With their arrogance at being able to stymie the police and their burgeoning hatred, I fear they may planning a large public event to punish America.  I hope I am wrong.

And now for my metaphorical closure.  The ‘House of America’ is infested with noxious insects.    The Nazis and KKK are cockroaches.  We had a serious problem and had to call Orkin (the FBI).  Their numbers are now small but you can still see some when you turn on the kitchen light.  They are attracted to garbage and we have to remain vigilant to keep their numbers in check. 

But antifa are termites.  They are working largely unseen and want to destroy the ‘House of America’ by eating away at the foundation.  We need to stop them before our house comes tumbling down.

Roger is a practicing physician in Kankakee, Illinois.  His medical degree is from the University of Chicago.  He has a plethora of interests.

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