What is 'the American nation'?

The NFL debate over the flag and anthem helps clarify the distinction between living in the USA and being an American.

There is no law, and should be no law, that requires anyone to respect the flag and anthem that are the symbols of the American nation.  That is a decision each individual must make of his own free will.  But that respect is the minimum a person must do to earn the privilege of being an American.  Each American must accept a Social Contract that has three parts.  First, what is right as expressed in the Declaration of Independence.  Second, what is legal as expressed in the Constitution.  Third, that the "American people as a whole" – i.e., the nation – is the sovereign. 

Anyone who disrespects – for whatever reason – either the flag or anthem is admitting that he is not a part of the American nation.  Only those who have earned the privilege of being an American are citizens.  Others who do not want to accept the Social Contract can be residents of the USA – but not citizens.

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