Going after red-state Democrats

President Trump released an extensive immigration package, from DACA to the wall to employer sanctions.  It's the start of negotiations that will probably take months.

This is from the Washington Times:

The plans, seen by The Washington Times, include President Trump's calls for a border wall, more deportation agents, a crackdown on sanctuary cities and stricter limits to chain migration -- all issues the White House says need to be part of any bill Congress passes to legalize illegal immigrant "Dreamers" currently protected by the Obama-era deportation amnesty known as DACA.

But the plans break serious new ground on the legal front, giving federal agents more leeway to deny illegal immigrants at the border, to arrest and hold them when they're spotted in the interior, and to deport them more speedily. The goal, the White House said, is to ensure major changes to border security, interior enforcement and the legal immigration system.

"Anything that is done addressing the status of DACA recipients needs to include these three reforms and solve these three problems," a senior White House official told The Times. 

"If you don't solve these problems then you're not going to have a secure border, you're not going to have a lawful immigration system and you're not going to be able to protect American workers."

President Trump is tying DACA to border security. Why is he doing that? This is what I think:

1) There are several Democrats seeking re-election in places like Montana, North Dakota, Missouri, Indiana, and West Virginia.  President Trump did very well in those states.  Furthermore, it's a tough map for Democrats in 2018, and DACA does not make it easier. 

2) Most of the DREAMers live in five states: California, Texas, New York, Illinois, and Florida.

3) It's fair to say senators and congressmen in the other 45 states are likely to get more pressure to vote for the wall than DACA.

President Trump has put many of the Democrats in these red states in a tough situation.  They will have to support border security if they want DACA. 

This is a brilliant move by President Trump, and it should pay off with a final product that accomplishes his immigration objectives.

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