The self-immolation of Lisa Bloom’s career

Where does Lisa Bloom go to get her career as a crusading feminist back? She threw-in with Harvey Weinstein before she realized that he was already a liability to the progressive cause, and a dead man walking. Harvey has become a liability in every possible way, so defending him only leads to damage for the progressive cause. He is the poster boy for the hypocrisy of the powerful elites that have bought off or intimidated their critics.  So, Lisa ticked off a lot of powerful people and tweeted this:

She was pushed out. Someone, maybe even multiple people, leaked emails to the New York Times. Among those upset with her were two members of the board of Mr. Weinstein’s company:

...his brother, Bob Weinstein, and Lance Maerov, who had both exchanged confrontational emails with Ms. Bloom over the past two days.

In making her announcement on Twitter, Ms. Bloom did not offer an explanation for her resignation. The tactics and tenor of her defense of Mr. Weinstein have varied, and there were often substantial differences in her public and private statements. The emails, viewed by The New York Times, reveal that at least two board members did not approve of her approach.

As the board convened an emergency phone meeting on Thursday evening to address the allegations, published in an investigation by The Times, Ms. Bloom sent an email to board members attacking the article. She outlined a plan that involved “more and different reporting,” including “photos of several of the accusers in very friendly poses with Harvey after his alleged misconduct.”

Wow! Blame the victim!

In a separate email, Mr. Maerov, who declined to comment on Saturday, said that “publishing pictures of victims in friendly poses with Harvey will backfire as it suggests they are exculpatory or negate any harm done to them through alleged actions.”

Bob Weinstein wrote Ms. Bloom a disapproving email on Friday morning, shortly before she appeared on “Good Morning America.” He pointed out that Democratic politicians were giving away money that Mr. Weinstein had donated to them, women’s rights organizations were calling for him to be fired and actors and actresses were openly stating how appalled they were. “It is my opinion, that u are giving your client poor counsel,” he wrote. “Perhaps, Harvey as he stated in the NY Times, to the world, should get professional help for a problem that really exists.”

Bob Weinstein declined to comment on Saturday.

The details about the emails came to light one day after a third of the all-male board of the Weinstein Company resigned.

Perhaps the straw that broke the camel’s back was the prospect of facing her mother in court:

Her work for Mr. Weinstein drew criticism, including from her mother, Gloria Allred, the famed women’s rights lawyer.

“Had I been asked by Mr. Weinstein to represent him, I would have declined, because I do not represent individuals accused of sex harassment,” Ms. Allred said. “While I would not represent Mr. Weinstein, I would consider representing anyone who accused Mr. Weinstein of sexual harassment, even if it meant that my daughter was the opposing counsel.”

The very thought of such a spectacle, a feminist mother exposing in court the hypocrisy of a feminist daughter, makes my heart go pitter-patter. 

Even without such a fantasy, this is a big loss for the progressives, who are turning on each other. Another rat leaving the ship has done so with fewer public waves:

Lanny Davis, another adviser to Mr. Weinstein, is also no longer representing him, according to a person familiar with the matter. Mr. Davis, a lawyer and crisis counselor who served as special counsel to President Bill Clinton, declined on Saturday to discuss his departure.

So, Lisa Bloom will never again be able to take a stand on principle without inducing snickers. And she doesn't have a lot of friends. She let people see who she really is at the wrong time and place.

Image by Monica Showalter

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