The slippery Senator Corker

Recently, Tennessee senator Bob Corker has been at odds with most of his colleagues in the Senate as well as the president.  His opposition to some key policies has led to verbal fireworks between himself and Trump, including on tax reform and the Iranian nuclear deal.  The latter issue would help pave the way for Iran, which is considered a terrorist regime, to eventually obtain nuclear weapons.

Of interest is that in 2006, when then-Republican nominee Bob Corker was running for election to the Senate, he had noted in a televised ad that his Democratic opponent, Representative Harold Ford, Jr., had supported clemency for the infamous FALN terrorist group in 1999.

Bill Clinton's sudden announcement to offer freedom to the unrepentant terrorists, who were Puerto Rican nationalists and had set off more than 130 bombs around the country, killing six and injuring scores more, including the Fraunces Tavern bombing, had subsequently set forth a firestorm.  The offer had been met with nearly unanimous criticism, and both Houses of Congress overwhelmingly opposed it.  The Senate condemned it in a resolution, voting 95-2 against, and the House, of which Ford was a member, opposed the action 311-41.

In 2009, after his defeat of Ford, Senator Corker voted to confirm Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, even though it was well known by then that she had been a key player in obtaining freedom for the FALN, which was found to be an attempt to gain support from Puerto Rican voters for her in the 2000 New York Senate race.  During her confirmation hearing, Corker, during his amiable minutes with Hillary, never even asked about her involvement in the controversial clemency deal.

Now, Senator Corker is desperately trying to save the Iran nuclear deal, even though their government not only supports terrorists, but is itself a terrorist regime.  The senator recently announced that he would not seek re-election after polls showed he would likely lose in the Republican primary next year.  Corker should step aside and let Tennessee governor Bill Haslam fill the seat.  There are several people he could appoint who have now announced their candidacy, including former congressman Stephen Fincher and current congresswoman Marsha Blackburn.  For Corker, it would be the honorable and decent thing do.

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