Tom Steyer getting as obnoxious as George Soros

Got a spare $10 million?  Then you too can reverse the votes of 62 million Americans, all by using your money.

That's the spectacle we are seeing with these unprecedented Tom Steyer television ads, calling on Americans to sign his petition to impeach President Trump.  Who knows how many times the sound has been turned down across the 50 states that can't otherwise get out of hearing this when he comes on?  Steyer's also planning to spend millions on digital media, and already his ads are turning up on Skype.  Every night we hear these ads, a sound-bite fest of phony claims about Trump hating the Constitution, threatening free speech, obstructing justice, and the like, none of which is true, accompanied with the exhortation to go join Tom and sign his petition.  Now he's got more than a million signatures – 1,119,720, to be exact – according to what must be his buddies at Axios, given that they got the number.

The campaign lasted ten days.  Ten days to disenfranchise 62 million voters through legal maneuvers, despite not having anything like their numbers.  Fortune has the story here.

Trump, of course, has responded with disgust and mockery, pointing out that Steyer throws away a lot of money on losing causes.

Wacky & totally unhinged Tom Steyer, who has been fighting me and my Make America Great Again agenda from beginning, never wins elections!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 27, 2017

Maybe it is a losing cause, but who knows, given that he's seeking to take the election away from the people and place it in the hands of left-wing lawyers?

So who is Tom Steyer?

Steyer is a classic billionaire in the mold of George Soros, who represents everything ordinary people despise about the limousine left.  He's a lot less rich than Soros, with only a billion dollars and change in his pile.  His Wikipedia page points out he has a hedge fund background, like his richer coeval George Soros, and he hangs around the Bay Area, home of the other banking family the Soros empire is associated with, the Sandlers, famous for making a killing in the subprime meltdown of 2008 as thousands lost their homes.

Steyer is famous for his insanely absolutist environmentalism and the cash he shoves into that cause.  He famously put the squeeze with his money on President Obama, who shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, all at his whim.  Obama paid no attention to the economics of that decision; he just paid attention to his campaign donor.  That deprived tens of thousands of Americans of jobs.  But it probably put the idea into his head that the views of one billionaire always outweighs the sentiment and interests of the Little People, and that is the pattern he is showing right now with these ads.

Steyer also put a lot of money into green energy schemes, many of which are ultimately subsidized by the government.  It's a good deal for him, but given the lack of viability of green energy, it does nothing but finance rich men's playthings like electric cars and wind farm turbines.

He's emblematic of the Bay Area mentality in that he loves choking environmental regulations.  Those regulations drive up the prices of homes, keeping affordable housing from ever being built in America's bluest cities, with the ultimate aim of keeping the riffraff (common people) out.  He also has a problem with common people having cars and independent transport, given his loathing for affordable conventional energy.  He would have any of us not as rich as he is taking the bus (run by angry, zero-customer-service $100,000-a-year union employees) instead of driving. 

He'd further impoverish ordinary Americans by allowing unchecked illegal immigration into the country, driving wages down.  His contributions to the open borders lobby are substantial, according to Wikipedia.  There's no doubt about it: the commissar mentality in this rich liberal is strong.

Now he hates Trump and wants to disenfranchise tens of millions of ordinary people who think otherwise.  He's got $10 million to blow on this and probably much more after that.  He also isn't ruling out running for president himself.  Who knows if he will succeed in either endeavor?  The fact that he would try sets a creepy precedent for democracy itself and where it's headed.

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