Trump and Bannon populism vs. the establishment

A new political wave has swept the nation, a conservative brand of populism.  Championed by President Trump, Steven Bannon, and Stephan Miller, this populism has caught on.  It helped propel President Trump to office.

Before addressing the effects of this populist wave, let's define the populist beliefs which have gained popularity.  First and foremost, there is the principle that border security is national security.  Pro-USA immigration policies and restrictions are vital to the populist wave of President Trump.  Second is a populist approach to trade deals, including pulling out of NAFTA and TPP as well as negotiating pro-America trade deals.  Finally economic policies that favor the middle class and not the elitists make for a proven winning message. 

As Steven Bannon recently made clear, he is declaring war on the GOP establishment as much as the Democratic establishment.  To this end, he championed the cause of Judge Roy Moore in Alabama and triumphed.  Bannon plans, like the Tea Party, before him, on challenging the seats of Senator Jeff Flake and other establishment favorites. 

In challenging the Wall Street globalist candidates, Bannon is sending a signal that the base wants representatives who do the will of the people, not of Wall Street and Mitch McConnell.  This message was clearly sent with the election of Donald Trump and the defeat of establishment favorites like Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton.

The rise of the Tea Party and now the Breitbart brand of conservative populism shows the priorities of everyday Americans.  No more bailouts for the big banks, no more open borders, and no more trade deals that benefit other countries more than they do America.  Change is sweeping the nation, and the establishment would do well to listen to the base – not to sell out the base yet again.

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