Where the Russian uranium scandal might lead

Before the Obama administration approved Russia's acquisition of more than 20 percent of America's uranium supply, the Federal Bureau of Investigation found Russian racketeering involved.

This shocking news is in a must-read investigation by reporters John Solomon and Alison Spann in The Hill on October 17.

"Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton's charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow," sources told Solomon and Spann.

But acting FBI investigators at the time – including then-U.S. attorney Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller, the man Rosenstein would later choose to investigate possible Russian collusion that helped Donald Trump win the 2016 election – apparently did not share this information about Russia with key members of Congress.

Solomon, Spann, and The Hill might win a Pulitzer Prize for their excellent investigative reporting...if it incriminated Republicans.  But since it instead found potential wrongdoing by Democrats, the mainstream media will either ignore or find fault with it.

This investigation points to important issues it does not spell out, so we shall use it as a stepping stone to touch on three of them:

1. The new investigation clearly indicates that Mueller and Rosenstein knew of Russian millions paid to Bill and Hillary Clinton's foundation.  This foundation served as a slush fund that paid for some of her political activities and subsidized her campaign staff before 2016.

This is a priori evidence of Russian influence in American politics – in the form of more than $145 million funneled by Russia to the Clintons.  Ms. Clinton ran for president in 2008 and was clearly positioning herself to run again in 2016.

Yet Mueller persists in not investigating Ms. Clinton as a suspect in his fishing expedition that seeks some crime of "election collusion by Russia," yet to be found, committed only by President Trump.  Can Mueller continue stonewalling after this new evidence?

2. Russia has been doing more than trying to corner the world uranium market, as China has done with rare-earths.  Russia also builds reactors for others, reportedly including eight reactors it has contracted to build for Iran.  Could American-supplied uranium already be part of the reactor fuel supplied to Iran for a Russian-built reactor now in operation, despite the non-proliferation spirit of the Iranian nuclear deal?

3. Has Hillary Clinton created not a "Circle of Life," but a circle of death by profiting from selling to Russia the very nuclear materials that Iran could soon turn into ICBM warheads or terrorist nuclear weapons?  Will Iranian (or North Korean) nukes that come home to roost and destroy American cities have an invisible sign on them that says "Made in USA"?  Is this to be the Clintons' and President Obama's legacy?

Lenin famously said the last capitalist will sell the rope with which he ends up hanged.  Nobody is greedier than Hillary Clinton.

Lowell Ponte is a veteran think-tank futurist and author or co-author of eight books.  He can be contacted for interviews at radioright@aol.com.

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