Another French defeat, another Muslim victory

In the early days of Google, historians who typed "French military victories" into the Google search bar and then clicked the "I'm feeling lucky" icon received an accurate response:

"did you mean: french military defeats Your search – french military victories – did not match any documents." 

Eventually, Google changed its algorithm, which eliminated this reply, thus erasing the ability to search for the truth.

Defying Google, Pamela Geller, the activist who bravely – and politically incorrectly – speaks up about Muslim terrorism revealed a recent French defeat that Google and the French may once again try to paper over.

Christmas market on the Champs-Elysees CANCELLED

Myriad excuses are flying: "inferior food!" (I kid you not); the government says the market is "ultra inelegant"; the truckers/gypsies who are running the stalls are all infighting for control.

Ah, but you and I won't be surprised when Geller bluntly states the real reason for the cancelation. 

I am here to tell you it is fear of jihad. Another grand Western tradition destroyed by the hijrah. Music festivals, concerts, New Year's celebrations, Christmas markets, popular folk fairs will fade from public life – the risks will be too great. And in their place, under the falsity of respect for Islam, will be Muslim rituals and traditions.

So, despite recent acts of terror by Muslims, terrorism in France, and a Christmas market terrorist attack in Berlin last year, the French feel comfortable blaming innocent French minorities – "the truckers/gypsies" for "infighting" and of true French horror – being "ultra inelegant" – to cowardly disguise their fear of antagonizing a guilty demographic: its growing hostile and increasingly violent Muslim population.

A benign Christmas market sacrificed today; what sniveling French appeasement will tomorrow bring?

As the World War II general George Patton stated, "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me."

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