Democrats' 'big tent' has a narrow door

The Hispanic Caucus turned down a Republican Hispanic, Carlos Curbelo.  I heard it was because of his position on immigration laws and Obamacare. 

Maybe the Hispanic Caucus should publish a list of positions that are allowed so no one wastes his time.  They could say anyone who believes in his oath of office, the Constitution, and the rule of law – that when Congress passes laws, they are to be enforced – instead of being flexible should not apply for membership.

Rep. Carlos Cubelo.

Anyone who believes that people should have freedom of choice on health care also should not apply. 

They should change the name of the caucus to the Far-Left Hispanic Caucus to be clearer about who is allowed. 

I have always said Democrats have a big tent but an extremely small door.  Only people who believe in a big and powerful government, high taxes, massive regulations, abortion, no choice on health care, and only laws they like need apply.  Independent thinking is absolutely forbidden. 

The last ten months have shown that the restrictions work very well.  The slave-owners, Pelosi and Schumer, are very good at keeping the slaves on the plantation and doing what they are told.  The race card and class card can repeatedly be played, and the other slaves, the reporters, will gladly repeat what they are told, no questions asked.

In fact, the door to get in media outlets and Hollywood and to teach at colleges is almost as small as the door to get into the Hispanic tent and the Democrat tent.

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